February special! Save -40% off your 1st month of membership when you join today using the coupon code FFCC40

If you don't practice speaking English, you'll never improve.

"But I don't have anyone to practice with!"
The Faster Fluency Conversation Club solves your problem!

Improve your English faster
"I don't have anyone to practice English with" is the biggest obstacle to your fluency.
You feel like you have no time, no one to talk to, no one to push you.
You want to be fluent in conversations, but lack speaking practice & vocabulary.
It's so frustrating!
It's so frustrating!
What's the solution?
Practicing with a teacher and an international community of motivated students,
so you speak English with regularly
The Faster Fluency Conversation Club is an online community that makes it easy to practice speaking English regularly
The concept
The conversation group meets 4 times per week, for a total of 16 sessions per month.
Every week, there's a conversation theme. You receive exercises and resources on the theme, so you learn more vocabulary and grammar. Then, you can practice using it all in conversation each week.
In the end, you become more confident speaking English!

Homework and explanations
Before our sessions, you receive grammar and vocabulary homework that I have specially selected for you. In the sessions, your Fluency Club leaders facilitate conversations where you practice using the vocabulary you learned.
Meet your Faster Fluency Conversation Club Leaders
Cara Leopold
Cara has been taking care of the Fluency Club since 2018 and usually hosts the Monday and Tuesday sessions. Cara is the creator of the popular listening site Leo-Listening.com, and founder of the Movie Mindset Shift, a 30-day challenge to use movie clips to build your listening skills. She’s an expert in helping advanced English learners who love TV and cinema fall back in love with their favourite films and series by becoming subtitle-free.

Trisha Traughber
Trisha is an English teacher, writer, and writing coach who is originally from Southern California. As the founder of VagabondEnglish.com, she loves helping people from around their world become more comfortable speaking English. And if you’ve got any questions about using writing or journaling to help you with fluency, Trisha’s a great person to ask. She also loves a good book chat and runs a book club--so if you’re looking for reading recommendations, she’s probably got some for you.

The conversation subjects
Every week, you'll find a suggested conversation topic in your Conversation Guidebook. Thanks to your homework, you'll have the grammar and vocabulary to participate confidently in conversations in English.
Past subjects have included:
- How to introduce yourself
- Making small talk with friends & colleagues
- Talking about your professional experience
- Discussing favorite foods and typical dishes
- Many different everyday subjects
The dates
We'll have 4 sessions each week. The program runs continuously. So when you join the Club, you have access for 1 month, starting on the date you join.
This way, you can find at least one session per week that works with your schedule. But feel free to join us for all 4 sessions each week if you want!
Wednesdays: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
All times are indicated in Central European Time (CET), or "Paris time". Calculate the time in your time zone with this time zone converter.
The price
Membership in the Fluency Club is only 49€ per month. Your subscription renews automatically each month, so you can continue practicing as long as you want!
This includes access to all conversation sessions + exercises each week + a Conversation Guidebook, specially created for the Faster Fluency Conversation Club
When you're ready to cancel, just send us an email and we'll stop your membership. There's no minimum commitment, and you can cancel any time.
Join the Fluency Club today and join us for our next conversation session!
Students love the Faster Fluency Conversation Club experience. I'm sure you will too!
Membership in the Club is only 49€ per month
How will the Club help you improve your English?
Jose M, Company Owner & Manager (Spain)
Before I joined, I wasn’t sure to have enough time to take advantage of the program. Even with the sessions I attended, it made me more confident in face to face conversations in English. I really appreciated the teachers’ corrections and tips, and I feel more fluent now.
Stéphanie N., Personal Assistant (France)
I’m shy, so I was afraid to speak English with people I don’t know, but now, I’m much more confident! And when I mention this program in job interviews, the recruiters really appreciate what I’m doing to improve my English. If you’re doing job interviews, I definitely recommend you join this program.
Ana R., Business Manager (Brazil)
This program showed me that I’m not alone in my situation with English. That’s important, because we all have the same goal: to improve our English. It was amazing to have this experience and know others from different countries and share our goal to improve. I recommend this program!
Assane T., Engineer (France)
This program definitely gave me more confidence speaking English. I got more vocabulary and I practiced speaking with people from around the world, and that helps me in my professional life, where I work with different nationalities in English.
Youssra M., Engineer (Morocco)
I’m not used to online courses, so I was hesitant to join. But I see now it’s a great experience if you want to improve, because you talk with people from different countries, but also a teacher corrects you. I realized I have a good level of English, and that it is important to practice regularly to keep it!
Lorenzo C., Company Owner (Italy)
I didn't have any hesitations before to join. I watched some of your videos, and the everyday & business themes, the rhythm of explanation, the positive attitude… it all helped me understand that it was the right way for me. And I loved to talk with different people from different countries to understand different accents!
Akihito T., (Rwanda)
I’m really not good at small talk in English, and the Fluency Club helped me have good topics and expressions for everyday conversations in English. I was afraid my English level was not good enough, but it’s fine. Other students want to learn too, and we all share the same difficulties and hesitations. But the teacher’s help, and the students’ motivation makes it a good way to improve your fluency.
Maxence M., President of AgilityBox (France)
It was my first small talk program with Christina to get a better fluency and it was a great experience. The program is very well designed and powerful. It has been helping me to switch on my fluency. I met great people close to my level and the group energy helped me a lot. I definitely recommend it: see you there!
Frequently asked questions
Where do we meet?
Online. You'll receive a link to connect to a virtual room where we'll have the conversations. In the virtual room, you will be divided intosmaller groups (2-3 people) to allow you to speak more frequently.
What do I need to participate?
You need a good internet connection. And I recommend you use earphones so everyone can hear you clearly. And of course, a desire to learn and speak English!
Who corrects the conversation?
Your Club Leaders, Cara and Trisha! They'll participate in each conversation too, to give you feedback and corrections on your English. Then, you'll get notes and corrections from each session.
Do I have to attend all 16 sessions?
No, you don't have to. I encourage you to attend minimum one session per week. Each week, we have a different conversation theme, and three conversation sessions. You can attend as many as you want.
What if I'm absent one week?
If you're absent, you miss the conversation for that week. You'll still receive the exercises though, so you can learn the vocabulary & grammar.
How many months does the conversation club meet?
The Faster Fluency Conversation Club is a membership program. You can stay for 1, 2, 3, or more months!
Your membership (49€ per month) renews automatically, so you can continue to practice speaking English for as long as you want.
You can cancel your membership any time.
What is the price?
Membership in the Fluency Club is 49€ per month. It's my best offer!
When you subscribe, your membership renews automatically each month. But when you're ready to cancel, just send me an email and we'll stop your subscription. Easy and no risk.
What level do I need?
I recommend you have an intermediate level of English (B1-B2). The club is NOT for beginners or elementary levels.
How do I know if I have the correct level?
If you can follow my weekly episodes and participate in simple conversations in English, your level is ok. Plus, we make an effort to adapt to the level of the members of the club.
What if I don't have the correct level, but I paid for my registration?
Simple, I refund your money. When you join, you have 2 weeks to try the Fluency Club, risk-free. If you attend at least 4 sessions and feel the Club will not help you, you simply tell me. I'll refund your money and stop your membership.
How long are the conversation sessions?
Each session lasts approximately 1 hour.
Is this an individual course?
No, this is a conversation group. You'll have the opportunity to meet and speak with people from around the world. Past participants love this aspect of the club!
How many people participate in each session?
In the conversation sessions, your Club Leader divides the entire group into smaller groups of 2-3. You'll practice speaking with 1-2 conversation partners.

Try it for 2 weeks...with zero risk!
When you join, you have 2 weeks to try the Fluency Club with zero risk.
Come to 4 sessions during your first 2 weeks of membership to decide if you want to stay. If you do, fantastic!
But if you decide the Fluency Club will not help you improve, just tell me. I’ll refund your money immediately and cancel your membership. There’s zero risk for you!