Unlock Your Business Potential:
Master English and Win Global Clients
Do you struggle to attract international & American clients?
- You're not alone.
- Many founders, CEOs, and solopreneurs face these challenges every day.
- Their English is ok, but something else limits their international growth…
You’re not alone! Many founders, CEOs, and solopreneurs face these challenges every single day.
Their English is ok, but something else limits their ability to attract American & international clients…
Imagine having the codes & language
to attract American & international clients
Attracting the right clients, knowing what to say & do to get the client, confidently navigating business culture & language…
- Visualize closing deals with ease, your business flourishing as you navigate different cultures and languages with expertise.
This could be your new reality.
Be the 1st to know when I open enrollment for my new program, that teaches you the culture & language you need to get more international clients.
Coming soon! I’ll launch this program in February 2024!
Tailored for non-native English speakers like you, this program focuses 80% on enhancing your business, prospecting, and selling skills, and 20% on refining your English for more effective communication.
Don’t just learn English. Learn to win internationally, through English.
Sign up to get exclusive resources for attracting international clients immediately…
…and be the 1st to know when enrollment opens for this groundbreaking program in 2024!
Places will be limited.

While waiting for the program to open, subscribe to my email list to get weekly tips for attracting more international & American clients.
Concrete, actionable advice that you can implement NOW + case studies of successful companies to inspire you!