Many of your colleagues from The SBFG Community have told me they enjoy watching videos during their lunch break. It’s true that, when you don’t have a lot of free time, it’s a great way to do some English every week, or even every day. Don’t hesitate to watch a video several times – it can only help!
Speaking of cooking, that’s today’s topic: how to explain the menu at the restaurant to a foreign colleague. Going to the restaurant is always pleasant, if you are not mistaken about choosing your dish!
Today you will gain in fluency with simple but terribly effective phrases to describe dishes on a menu at the restaurant. Even if you don’t always have the exact translation of the ingredients such as “tournedos de lotte”, “poireaux sautés” ou “parmentier de canard confit”.
You can still help your foreign guest by explaining clearly and simply the offered dishes. In France, restaurants like to highlight their dishes, sometimes with complex titles, as if the number of words reflected the quality of the dish!
Even if the menu is sometimes translated into English, you may have already noticed translations that shout “Google translate”. I do ! Some examples seen recently?
“softness of pumpkin”
“greedy salad”
“believed ham”
Do you understand that?
Let me challenge you a little bit: Try to find the names in V.O. (it means in French), then try to translate better than the one who wrote the menu in English (the poor, what did he do to deserve that?)
Leave your answers in the comments!
Have a great week in English,
You CAN be better at small talk in English
You can expand your everyday vocabulary and finally be comfortable with the small discussions around the coffee machine.
pumpkin cream soup
gourmet salad
raw ham