Interview in English tips: Make the interviewer remember you in a good way

By 3 November 2017 Video lessons 18 Comments
interview in English tips

Hi, and welcome to Speak English with Christina, where you’ll have fun becoming fluent in American English. Especially welcome back to this third bonus lesson on English interview tips and how to win more professional opportunities in English.

Express your personality in English

Let’s go ahead and start with a little revision of what we saw in lesson number two.

  • The essential is to show that you’re comfortable in English, with the right vocabulary for your job and your experience
  • It’s important to express your personality in English and that it does take a little more effort to do that
  • Two secrets about American job interviews (so if you missed that lesson and you’re curious, go back and watch bonus lesson number two
  • How important good structure is in your responses for clear, confident, and convincing answers
  • We looked at the STAR structure for doing that to discuss your experience. For example, with questions like, “Tell me about a time when you faced a difficult situation.”

What’s the best thing you can do to convince an interviewer?

Today is lesson number three. It’s the final lesson in this series. So if you want more bonuses after today, go to this website and sign up before Tuesday, November 7th.

You’ll get:

  • complete lessons on those two secrets we talked about.
  • an invitation to a special live event later this month, of course
  • an invitation to join the course Get The Job, and
  • tons of extra bonuses that are included when you join the course

So be sure to go to that website and sign up.

Now, I have a friend, Rob. Currently, he’s an English teacher, but before that he was an international recruiter and a consultant. And he’s American, but he’s based in Brazil.

I asked him  “What can someone do to increase their chance of being selected when English is not their native language?”

And you know what he said?

“Avoid mistakes. That’s the most important thing. And it’s especially true for high positions and important missions.”

Now, it’s easier said than done, avoiding mistakes, but the aim of these lessons and of the course Get The Job is to help you avoid the mistakes and be sure that you’re selected.

Let me introduce myself, in case you’re new here

Now, in case you don’t know me by now, I am an English coach. I’ve been doing this since 2004. And I have students all around the world who are learning English with me, becoming more fluent, becoming more confident, and getting better opportunities. And you’ll meet some of those a little later.

I’m the creator of Speak English with Christina TV, which today has more than 80,000 students, 80,000 Speak English Ambassadors we call them.

And if you want to join us, if you’re not already a Speak English Ambassador, go to and see if you like the community and the lessons and sign up and join us.

How my course will improve your English

What will change for you when you become a Speak English Ambassador, but, more importantly, when you take the Get The Job course?

You’ll learn how to highlight your experience and professional skills in a precise, clear, and convincing way. A job interview, an internal interview, a networking event, any place where you need to be able to talk about yourself professionally and credibly, this is going to help you.

You’ll also show that you have the necessary level of English for the job, and you’ll feel more fluent. You’ll feel more confident.

And because of that confidence, you will convince recruiters, project managers, business partners, HR managers that you’re the right person for the job.

Now, I don’t know what your objective is personally

  • go and work in a different country
  • find a business partner to work on a project with you
  • get a new job in your own country
  • get a better position in your company

But these are all opportunities that you can have if you get Get The Job, which shows you step-by-step how to improve your English to win more of these opportunities.

Improve your professional English, feel more confident, advance your career

Now, it takes the form of a job interview. You have specific questions that you need to answer. Even though this is built like a job interview, these are often questions that you will hear in other types of interviews or in networking discussions.

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • What are your future projects?
  • What are your salary expectations or your prices?

Even a little bit of small talk, what are you doing in your free time, because we also like to know who the person is that we’re working with in their personal life too

You can use these questions of course in a job interview, but not exclusively.

They can apply to, like I said, lots of different situations where you need to talk about yourself and promote your profile.

The most convincing professionals leave a good impression

Today we’re gonna look at how to finish the discussion on a positive note and leave a good impression. Good impressions are always so important, a good first impression and a good lasting impression.

This is essential for two reasons:

First, you can know if the other person has any other questions, to eliminate any doubts they have about you. You can’t read their mind. You don’t know what’s in their head. But you can make sure you eliminate any possible doubts.

And at the same time, you confirm your motivation for this opportunity. Now that you know more details about the opportunity from the discussion, you want to say, “I thought I was motivated before. Now I know that I’m motivated.”

Eliminate doubts that could eliminate you: In a job interview

The first thing is you want to eliminate any doubts is to avoid being too direct. Don’t ask something very direct like, “What do you think of my proposal?” or even “Can I ask you what you think of my profile?”

This is quite direct. It’s almost a personal question, a personal appreciation, and that can make the other person uncomfortable or defensive, not like you’re being aggressive, but they’re gonna try to back away and try to avoid answering that directly.

So, you don’t want to ask these questions so directly. You can do it a different way, to be neutral and professional. For example, at the end of a job interview, something like, “Based on our discussion and what you’ve learned about me, objectively, how well does this profile match the requirements for this position?”

So you clarify anything that the recruiter maybe didn’t understand about you. If they have some hesitations or some doubts about your qualifications, this is the opportunity to clarify. And also it’s your chance to evaluate what the recruiter thinks about your profile, just to have an idea.

Eliminate doubts that could eliminate you: In a networking discussion

If it’s at the end of a networking discussion, something like, “So, do you think we could discuss this further? “Maybe over Skype or email?”

So you show that you’re interested in continuing the discussion in more detail, and also you get their contact information so you can stay in touch, you can clarify or add details if you remember that you forgot to say something important.

Eliminate doubts that could eliminate you: In an internal interview

If it’s at the end of an internal interview, maybe for a promotion or for a specific mission or project, “So, just to recap,” and then you repeat the key information back to the HR manager, the key information about the requirements of the project, the details, et cetera.

And then, “Did I understand correctly?” So you’re checking to be sure that you understood the details and you have an opportunity to clarify if necessary.

Stop stressing while you wait for them to contact you

And then you can ask, “Do you know when you’ll make your decision?” So, because you’re in an internal situation, perhaps you’re a little more familiar with the person, maybe, maybe not, but it’s okay to go ahead and ask, “Do you know when you’ll make your decision?”

And they might give you a specific date. They might just say, “We don’t have a fixed deadline. “We’re talking to a lot of different people.” Something like that. But in both cases you’ll show that you listened and that you understood the mission.

Show how motivated you are…so they remember!

If necessary, just take some notes in the interview. There’s nothing wrong with taking notes, and in fact it can be a good sign, because it shows that you want to be sure to not forget the important stuff. And then, like I said, you might get a concrete date to know their decision, but maybe not. It never hurts to ask.

Convince them you’re motivated: A job interview

Then you want to confirm your motivation, so, at the end of a job interview, you can say something like, “When I researched this post it looked very attractive. “After our discussion today, “I’m sure I’ll really enjoy working in this position “and in this company. “Can you tell me how soon will you make your decision?”

Again, you’ll know when to expect a response, and you reinforce your motivation for the job.

Convince them you’re motivated: A networking discussion

If you want to confirm your motivation at the end of a networking discussion, something like, “It was really good talking to you, John, and I’ll be in touch because I’m sure we could do some good work together. See you around.” So you leave a friendly impression and you close the conversation smoothly.

Convince them you’re motivated: An internal interview

If you want to confirm your motivation at the end of an internal interview, something like, “In any case, thanks for discussing this opportunity with me. And if you need anything else from me that could help you make your decision, you know where to find me.” So a little touch of light, yet professional humor at the end.

Thank your HR manager or the person doing the interview. And you encourage them to ask you for more details, more documents, et cetera that will support your profile if they need it.

Improve your English, and avoid mistakes that block your career progress

So, now that you’re prepared, you’re starting to become more prepared to, let’s say, convince the person you’re talking to in these situations. But when you’re always prepared, you avoid the mistakes that could cost you the opportunity. You don’t want to lose an opportunity because you didn’t prepare.

You’re confident with the vocabulary and the expressions for essential discussions anytime, anywhere. Again, you’re not waiting until the last minute. You’re continuously improving your English and learning to talk about your profile, your experience, and your qualities.

And you give answers that prove both your experience and your good level of English. So they see you’ve got the knowledge and the English skills to do the job.

Show your confidence & credibility in English

This means that you speak English like a credible, competent professional that people want to work with. And this is you.

You are a credible, competent professional, sometimes maybe in English that doesn’t come across. Maybe English is blocking you at the moment from showing other people that, but the Get The Job course is going to remove that barrier so that in English you also give the impression that you’re credible, competent, and professional.

Just like these former students. These are not all of the former students, but eight former students who got a new job or got a new opportunity after they followed this course.

If you sign up for those extra bonuses, you’re going to hear more about their stories and how you can also do the same thing.

Get The Job: the English you need to be credible in your professional life

Now, a little bit about the course. Get The Job, it guides you step-by-step so that you learn the English and the expressions you need to defend your profile and highlight your experience.

And the content is based on discussions that I’ve had with other recruiters, managers, consultants in both Europe and in the USA. So basically you’re learning what they want to hear in different types of interviews.

And of course you improve your structures, you increase your fluency and your professional credibility. So you get the English expressions, the advice from human resources professionals, plus interview techniques and strategies, and all of that is what makes the course Get The Job.

Now, what’s in the course specifically? You’ve got 12 detailed modules to master the 12 important subjects or questions.

Also, the possibility to join live group coaching sessions with me and with other students.

Of course, an invitation to our exclusive community of other motivated students. That’s the Speak English with Christina Student Hangout. It’s top quality people there, improving their English.

And of course you get access to the course for life. So, maybe you want to prepare, improve the way you talk about your job now, but maybe in two years maybe you’ll have a job interview, and you can come back and prepare for the job interview with the course.

If you want more bonuses, go to this website, sign up, get those bonuses before Tuesday, November 7th. And you’ll get the full interview with Rob, the recruiter, so all of his tips, plus my own 11 essential tips and English expressions for succeeding in an interview.

My question for you

After these three lessons, what is the point that you still want to improve for your next interview? Job interview, internal interview, networking discussion, anything.

Tell me about this in the comments so that I can help you with this last point.

I hope to see you in the Get The Job course. (At least go and get those bonuses)

And if you have any questions about the course, feel free to put those in the comments as well. All right, go ahead, sign up, and that way you’ll get your invitation to the course. Thanks a lot.
I’m Christina, and I’ll see you next time.

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Prepare a job interview in English
Interview preparation in English


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