Do you know the correct polite expressions for email in English?
Or do you have a love-hate relationship with email, especially email in English?
Writing email in English would be much easier if the phrases just flowed naturally if you didn’t have to spend time asking “Is this structure correct?” “Is the message clear?”
I’m sure writing email in English for you is like writing email in French for me: I ask myself questions about the turns of phrases, I double check to make sure everything is grammatically correct, read the message again to make sure it’s clear… Or rather, I wish I had time to do that!
Often, I have so much work that I write a quick email and hit “Send”, only to realize later that my email has big mistakes in it.
Email is a key communication tool in English
But email is a big part of my job. It’s the same for you. In fact, I bet most of your communication in English is by email.
Let’s be honest. Although we want to send perfect email in English (or French for me!), it takes time and energy to write, especially in another language.
If you’re going to spend time in English, I’m sure you’d prefer to read an interesting article, or chat with a foreign colleague during a coffee break (or watch another English lesson with me ;-).
Personally, I prefer to go to lunch a little earlier instead of re-reading and correcting my email. I’m sure you do too (especially if you have a good cantine!)
Polite expressions for email in English
In today’s episode, learn the structure and expressions to create simple, polite email requests that are clear and concise.
You’ll save time and energy. You’ll feel more confident about your emails because they’ll be better.
Plus, you’ll hear me singing. Consider yourself warned…
Not sure how to create email templates?
Here are a few articles that explain how. It’s super easy. I recently started doing this for typical emails that I send and it is a genius time-saving technique.
Use An Outlook Template For A Standard Response
Stop Wasting Time Writing The Same Emails On Gmail
In the comments below, tell me:
How often do you write requests in English? What expressions do you use regularly?
Remember that thousands of other professionals come to SBFG to boost their English and boost their career. Your examples may be exactly what someone else needs to build their confidence, write better English, and feel great about themselves.
This isn’t just about writing better emails more quickly. It’s about making time to do thing that are truly important to you, whether it’s learning English or another awesome project.
Have a fantastic week in English,