Ton CV sera tellement convaincant, qu’il faut préparer l’entretien ! Avec mon cours “Get The Job: Réussir son entretien d’embauche en anglais” par exemple 😉
Ce cours est basé sur mon programme de coaching le plus prisé, sur comment réussir ton entretien d’embauche en anglais.
Avant d’ouvrir les inscriptions, je t’offre 3 leçons gratuites ! Ne rate pas la 1ère leçon (le 20 sept. 2016), où tu apprendras comment être convaincant et sincère dans ta réponse à “What are you looking for in this job?”
Pour recevoir les 3 leçons, met-toi sur la liste ici !
And now for this week’s episode, in English…
Summer holidays are finished now and it’s time to get back to work (retourner au travail). Time to get back to your projects. Time to decide to reach your goals in English before the end of the year.
If getting a new job is one of your goals, please watch today’s video. You’ll learn how to present your English level on your CV so that it highlights (mettre en valeur) what you can do, no matter what (peu importe) your level.
Even if you’ve been back to work for a while (ça fait longtemps que vous êtes revenu) I hope you took advantage of (a profité de) the calm to re-focus and organize your life.
I did, and it made a HUGE difference.
Get 3 Lessons To Prepare Your Interview in English
I looked at all your wonderful feedback and survey responses from the past year. I created a calendar of video ideas based on what YOU want to see. As a gift to you, I’ve also created some free lessons and a complete course to prepare your job interview in English.
Click here to get your bonus lessons right now
Keeping an up-to-date CV (un CV à jour) that is well-written in English is so important. It’s a big job, but you can start by improving just one thing today.
Like the way you present your English level on your CV.
In this week’s lesson, you’ll get clear examples and language.
It’ll take you 15 minutes to do everything, no more. I know you’re busy with “la rentrée” !
IMPORTANT: It doesn’t matter (Peu importe) if you’re creating an American resumé or an international CV, today’s advice is excellent for both.
Now, I’d love to hear from you. More importantly, I want to help you.
How are you going to present your English level on your CV?
Leave a comment below with your answer. Do your best to share exactly what you put on your CV. This way, I and other SBFG Members can help you. Also, everyone in the SBFG Community can learn from you, too.
You’re more than capable of reaching the level you want to have, I know. I’ll help you find the time, find the right resources, and find the motivation to enjoy learning to speak better and feel great in English.
Thanks so much for investing in yourself with SBFG.
P.S. Help someone else invest in their future too! Send this post to your friends and colleagues who need a stellar (excellent) English CV. You can help them boost their English and boost their career too!
Have a fantastic week in English,