This lesson will help you when you are speaking English and get stuck. You’ll learn 9 expressions that can help.
You’re speaking English…You’re having a great conversation–and then you get stuck! Don’t panic. English Speakers sometimes have a hard time knowing what to say next too. Luckily, there are some expressions you can use when you’re speaking English and don’t know what to say next.
Use these expressions the next time you practice speaking English or get stuck in a conversation. You’ll be able to relax the next time you get stuck during a conversation in English–because you’ll know exactly what to say.
Knowing what to do when you need a little more time to speak is also an important business communication skill. So you can also use what you learn today when someone asks you a business question–and you need a minute to think of a smart answer!
Boost Your English! 5-Days: 5 smart, surprising & simple changes for confidence in English. Live with Christina Rebuffet–And Free! Are you in?
Feeling stuck with your English? Fixing your problem is easier than you think. Let me help you with all my experience coaching 100s of clients, my background as a business owner, and my expertise as a Neurolanguage coach.
Start 5 new habits to help you speak, practice, and improve–now. Click here to join.
What you’ll learn in this article:
1. How to keep speaking English when you can’t think of a word.
2. How to continue a conversation in English when you forget your ideas…
3. What to say when you’re speaking English and you don’t know how to respond.
1. How to keep speaking English when you can’t think of a word.
We all forget words in English. That’s why we have this great expression:
“Ah, it’s on the tip of my tongue!”
Which just means, you’re about to think of it, you know it, it’s just waiting to come out of your mouth!
If someone hears you say that, they’ll probably try to help you find the word you’re looking for.
And what if you just don’t know the exact word in English?
Well, it really is ok to just say it. You are not a “walking dictionary”–as we say.
Simply say,
“I don’t know the word, but it’s… [describe it]”
If you are really feeling stuck and can’t find the word you can say,
“Oh, my mind just went blank…”
And sometimes if you feel you just can’t get the point across, don’t stress.
You can say,
“Oh never mind, it’s not important.”
And change the topic totally. Just smile and relax–it happens to everyone.
Sometimes, just remembering that it’s ok to not know the word–and what to do when that happens can make you much more confident in conversations. It’s a small change that can have a huge impact on your ability to speak more, get more practice, and improve.
Do you want more smart and effective ways to boost your English practice quickly? Sign up for my 5-Day English challenge.
It’s 5-Days: 5 smart, surprising & simple changes for confidence in English. In short, live videos with me, Christina Rebuffet–And it’s free! Are you in?
2. How to continue a conversation in English when you forget your ideas
Sometimes you’re explaining something but you can’t really remember what the point is.
Does this ever happen to you in your native language?
It happens to me!
And in English, I think this is a very good sign. It means you’re having frequent conversations in English–something you have to do to improve!
Because, really, the only way to never have to ‘search for your words’ is to never speak!
In this situation, just say,
“I don’t know where I was going with that!”
“I forgot what I was going to say… Anyway…”
3. What to say when you’re speaking English and you don’t know how to respond
Don’t panic. When someone asks a question, you have to think about what they just said–the ideas. And then you have to think of what you think.
And put it all into words! Sometimes just having a little more time makes all the difference.
And that’s why we have ways of asking for more time in our business conversations in English!
Try saying one of these:
“Let me think about how to answer that.”
“Let me think about how to explain that.”
“Good question. What do YOU think?”
I love that last idea. It gives you a lot more time to answer. AND it shows the person you’re talking to that you care about their ideas too.
Remember, small changes can make a big difference in your confidence during English conversations.
Learning just a few of the expressions in this lesson can help you get unstuck during your next conversation. That confidence can make you more likely to speak during meetings, or just start more conversations.
Keep finding opportunities to speak in English (several times a week is best). Your English will improve over time. The important thing is to start speaking English on a regular basis NOW. Don’t wait.
Take the next step for your English and your Business:
Improve your Business English in the comments:
The best way to become more confident using Business English is to practice!
Here’s your Confidence Challenge for this week:
- Tell us how you feel when you forget your words in your native language? Do you panic or are you relaxed about it?
Further reading for professionals in English
Curious to learn more about the topic of the day?
I’ve selected some excellent resources for you. They help native speakers find more time when they’re stuck in a business conversation.
From MindTools: Lost for Words? Or Cat Got Your Tongue?
From Your Thought Partner: 6 Strategies to Buy Yourself Time When You’re Asked Difficult Questions
Harvard Business Review: How to Deflect Difficult Questions in an Interview or Negotiation. **This is an advanced business English communication skill, but in difficult negotiations or sales, it could be useful!
Boost Your English! 5-Days: 5 smart, surprising & simple changes for confidence in English. Live with Christina Rebuffet–And Free! Are you in?
Click here to sign up for the 5-Day Challenge
Feeling stuck with your English? Fixing your problem is easier than you think. Let me help you with all my experience coaching 100s of clients, my background as a business owner, and my expertise as a Neurolanguage coach.
Start 5 new habits to help you speak, practice, and improve–now. You don’t want to miss this. Join here.
I wanna be fluent in English.