How to use “how” in English
Have you ever hesitated when asking a question with how in English?
Not sure how to formulate it correctly, asking yourself how to start it…
You want information about the duration of the meeting tomorrow, the delay in the project, and when your colleague Brad will be able to give you the information you’ve already asked him for 3 times.
Here’s a hint: For all of these questions, you’ll use “How”.
How exactly?
“How” is a very useful word in English, but it can be difficult to use it correctly and naturally. (Similar to “get”, which is also very useful. That’s why I made a video about it for you! Click here to watch the video “How to use ‘get’ in English)
“How” is everywhere in English.
It can change definitions, and it can combine with other words to create new meanings.
Just like Batman, today’s Speak English with Christina episode is going to beat this joker.
Go beyond just “how much” and “how many”
Adding more “how” questions to your vocabulary will make you sound more natural, and your American colleagues will instantly understand your question. You’ll speak the way they speak.
Today, you’ll learn some of the most common questions with “how” and also how it works, to be able to create your own new questions.
How many other expressions do you know that use “how”?
I’m sure you know at least one! Share it with the community in the comments below.
And don’t be afraid to make mistakes. I make mistakes ALLLLLL the time in French (as Romain loves to remind me…). But eventually, I improve. You will too.
Have a fantastic week in English,
P.S. When you finish learning about “how” in English, watch the lesson on “get” in English. It’s very useful too!
How old are you ?
How do you do ?
How are you (doing) ?
How beautiful you are !
How nice of you to teach us English !
How can we see you again ?
Hi Mollie, and how nice to see you back on the blog!
And thanks for all those “how” questions and comments! How great they are!
I’ll answer your questions too:
I’m 34, I’m doing fine this morning, because I got up early and went jogging with a friend! Thanks for the compliments, and it’s my pleasure to teach you English. How can you see me again? Just come back to The SBFG Blog each week (or sign up to get the videos from me each week!)
How kind of you to contribute!
Thank and have a great week!
Hi Christina
How to become fluent in english like you ?
How to remember words i have learnt in english ?
How to master english ?
How to do, when translating a text and we don’t know the meaning of a verb or some chunks ?
How to organize myself in my english learning (What to learn first, secondly… ?)
Hi Marie-France! Thanks for your comment, and your questions are quite good!
Here are some corrections:
How can I become fluent in English like you? Practice and use a variety of tools!
How can I remember words I have learnt in English? When possible, connect the words to an emotion, a memory, or something that is important to you. This helps create a connection with the word. Stories are good for this!
How can I master English? Again, practice, a variety of tools, a positive mentality, and regular work sessions.
What can I do when translating…? Try to google the chunk with “quotation marks” around it!
How can I organize myself…? Learn the things that are the most useful for you, the things that you’ll use the most often. This way, you can revise them often.
Good job, but notice that the questions always start with “How can I” and not “How to” 🙂
Hi Christina,
how useful is this lesson!
how nice is it to share tips every week!
how great are your English lesson!
Hi Xavier!
Thanks so much! But with structures like this, the verb is after the subject:
How useful this lesson is!
How nice it is to share tips!
How create your lessons are!
And thanks so much for the compliments 🙂
How pleasant this talk show is
How nice it is to listen to you on You Tube
How speaking English seems easy and simple when I watch your lessons on You Tube
How long it is to be confortable with english people to hold dialog?
Hi André,
Great sentences there! See how easy it is when you practice regularly? 🙂
Just for the last one, since it’s a question, you don’t put subject-verb, but verb-subject: “How long does it take to be comfortable with English people to hold a dialogue?”
And the answer to that question is: It depends! It depends on you, how often you practice, how often you work on your English, if you’re shy about speaking to other people (even in French). There’s no one answer to that question, it all depends on you!
What’s the different between “How about you” and “What about you”.
How feminine and cut your attitude and mouvements are.
Thanks Claude!