When you say you’ll do something, do you try to actually do it? If the answer is “Yes!” then you know something about accountability already. Today you’re going to learn to talk about this essential business topic.
When you say you’ll do something, do you try to actually do it? If the answer is “Yes!” then you know something about accountability already. Today you’re going to learn to talk about this essential business topic.
When you say you’ll do something, do you try to actually do it? If the answer is “Yes!” then you know something about accountability already. Today you’re going to learn to talk about this essential business topic.
Phrasal verbs! There are so many that learning them all can seem stressful. Impossible, even. But don’t worry!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSpfs06yJmI Do you want to jump-start your English habits?What if we practiced that together?And, there’s an extra bonus! You’ll learn new Business English phrasal verbs every day for the next…
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