— The Extra Mile: Vocabulary for this blog post —
(Look for the words with a “ * ” ):
- Challenging = difficult, in a way that tests your ability & determination
- To get us down = to make us sad, worried, and unmotivated
- To take a step back = to pause and take time to think about something, so you can make decisions in a calm and reasonable way
I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of Speak English with Christina…
You know, the past few months have been challenging* for many of us.
But I believe that we can choose how we see challenges:
- As difficulties that get us down*, OR
- As opportunities to take a step back* and re-think how we do things
Which one do I choose?
And how will it change Speak English with Christina?
I share my answers with you in today’s episode. (Click on the video at the top of the blog post to watch the episode).
Now it’s your turn!
The best way to become better at English is to use it every day! So here’s your opportunity to practice your English today, and participate in our community!
→ Tell us about a time when you faced a challenge, and you decided to work with someone to help you.
Share your story in the comments below!
Even if it’s a short comment, at least you’ll do ONE thing to use your English today! 😉
All the best to you,
More good stuff...
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Ciao Christina with C 🙂
Well, I think that the challenges make me feel alive. During my life, I had some important Steps which I would not pass without the help of dear persons. One of those that I would like to share with you occurred a long time ago when I was young, I have moved to Dundee from London to start a Postgraduate course at the University of Dundee. Well… I could never get over the cold Scottish winter and stay 1 year without a dear person who comes over after 1 month to take care of me and let me the possibility to continue to study.
I’ll always be grateful for what she has done for me.
So I am sharing my current experience of few days back .I went for an interview which is for caption calling . Which is based on US calling process . Actually I got rejected in that I was bit disappointed and thinking of to learn better fluent English .Then I found one video of you(Christina) on YouTube and decided to start following you and learn good fluent English and I hope that will help me to improve my skills .
I quite understand every thing you said but I have difficulties to speak.I would like to be more at ease in English and I need someone to speak with and who would correct my mistakes. Could you help me to improve my speech skills?
I really appreciate your approach of English and even Life in general.
I was just thinking the same thing, together we are stronger. We have to learn from the current situation.
I love your language and I’m not sure to be able to explain why. But I want more, I want to discover new people and new culture, especially English culture. By the end of this month I’ll probably be able to join one of your group and to be honest I’m looking forward to work with you and your team.
Take care
I faced a challenge 2 years ago thinking about my English that I don’t understand speaking English. I have looked for somebody in the internet to help me and I founded Christina 🙂
That challenge didn’t get me down, becouse I was sure I’ll found the help.
Best regards
Hi Christina,
Your video waq really interesting ! Thanks for sharing good vibes and positivity !
You’re right, we can see the actual situation like a problem or an opportunity to think about our future…
For my part, i would like to say the Covid 19 get my boyfriend and me down… Indeed, he had aeronautics’ project with a guarantee of succes ! An we had the project to move in Québec for our career. Finally, we stay in France without job because i work in an event agency, and now, there is no more work. And my boyfriend quite his job in french army one year ago thinking it was a good deal. But finally not 🙂
Well, I try to stay positive and spend my free time learning new something … like improve my english. Also, I would like to find a community manager training because I realise Internet and social media are the future. And we can’t leave without them ! Maybe all this messy could help me to find a new job with opportunities. Also, I discover a passion : the drawing. I love that 🙂 I take more time to practise sport : running, yoga, stretching… because my leg hurts and I don’t have choice to feel better. One problem could bring a positive point : have a better level in sport !
To conclude, yes it’s not easy this year : i broke my leg in January,after that the lockdown, the lack of professional activity, my immigration project which is over …. and my positive test to the covid the last week… YES, it’s not easy NOW, but soon, it will be better, because when it’s bad for a while, the rest can just become better 🙂
See you Christina 🙂
Hi Christina,
In fact, I have spent hours learning English alone from resources on Youtube and the internet. However, I also practiced with individual teachers (one-a-one courses), I make some progress but not enough, always a lot of hesitation, bad pronunciation, and of course lack of confidence to be comfortable to speak in particular with natives. I am still on the plateau impossible to move forward maybe because of my English journey which was in fits and spurts until now.
So, it’s why I decided a couple of months to change my learning English vision, to be more consistent, and to sign up for FFCC. With FFCC for the first time. I wanted just to speak without thinking about mistakes, be more confident.
So FFCC is really good for that, you can speak with people all over the world and you gain confidence. After 3 months on your site, I achieve one of my goals: to be more confident to speak with people like me who learn English.
Now, my next challenge is to translate this confidence in the capacity to speak at a professional level, it’s why I would like to improve my pronunciation skills, better understand English rhythm and intonation to be understood by natives. How you can see, it’s my long journey, and hopefully “Speak English with Christina” should get me the ways and supports to go ahead and move forward.
Hi Christina, one time, I had one problem personal and needed connect with someone, so, connecting with one friend was essential to get up again.
Bye Christina…
I have watch your video and l appreciate the way you explained on how to become better
and confident to learn English
So since l’m retired now l have time to learn and have conversations with someone
I’m anxious and be waiting for each courses you gone to teach every week an hope
to stay disciplined has you say in your video
Excuse me for faults
Have good day
Hi Serge,
Thanks for your answer, and no need to apologize for any mistakes. You wrote an entire comment in English, and that’s something to be happy about! No need to be perfect, because I understood everything you said.
As for conversations… do you know about my Faster Fluency Conversation Club? I think you would really enjoy it, especially if you have time, and want to have conversations in English (with people around the world!)