What if you suddenly needed a better level of English to do your job? You’d probably wish you had an English coach around to give you advice. As an English coach, I meet a LOT of people this happens to. Because when you suddenly have to do your job in English it’s stressful!
And you might not know how to fix your problem on your own.
That’s why I want to help you by giving you my top 3 strategies as an English coach to help you improve your English for work fast. And today’s lesson is a very special one in my English coaching series that I designed just for you. Why?
Today you’ll get two small video lessons where I’ll be your English coach:
The first will help you with those 3 strategies from an English coach for improving quickly.
In the second, you’ll learn to use those strategies to begin to create something you definitely need at work—a great introduction in English.
Next week, I’ll be back with the second round of short videos where I’ll continue to work with you–as your English coach! You’ll use what you’ve learned and create a pitch you’ll use again and again–in all kinds of work situations like job interviews, networking, to promote your idea at work, or to promote your business if you’re a business owner! I’m really excited to be your English coach for the next couple of lessons. Ready to give it a try?
Don’t miss the next live, interactive workshop with your English coach–me!
If you want to be sure you catch the rest of the lessons in this English coaching series to improve your English at work. AND get an invite to my next live interactive workshop, be sure to sign up for my newsletter here.
What you’ll learn in this article:
1. 3 top strategies from an English coach for improving your English at work–fast!
2. Try this with your English coach: 2 keys for creating a great elevator pitch.
3. And now, get help from your English coach on the intro to your elevator pitch!
1. 3 top strategies from an English coach for improving your English at work–fast!
Be sure to watch the short video lesson on the first part of today’s blog post. It’s just like working with your very own English coach.
Strategy #1: You don’t have to be perfect to be good.
I have a true story today about a client, we’ll call her Clarice. After years in the same job–she suddenly had to do that job–in English. She needed to change her English fast–and was really busy!
Now, let me tell you something I know from years of experience as an English coach. I tell this to all my clients who suddenly find themselves needing to do the job they’ve been doing for years–in English! You know, when you worry you could lose your job or your credibility because suddenly you have to do things in English.
Don’t wait until you feel totally confident to use English for business.
In fact, you don’t need to be perfect at English to be good at your job.
Strategy #2: Start with the skills YOU need for business.
When you need to improve your English for your work, you need to focus on what you’re doing at work now. Not on what is in the next chapter of an English textbook!
You need concrete lessons, not grammar theory. Take a minute and think about what you need to actually be able to do–in English, right now.
The answer is different for everyone. You probably already can think of one or two things you just need to get help with. Your priorities.
You need to focus on those first, whether you’re working by yourself or with an English coach or teacher.
In Clarice’s case, she had to attend a week-long training. She could understand in English, but when she had to speak it was terrible. She felt her words were simple. She didn’t feel autonomous. She didn’t feel comfortable introducing herself or asking where to go. Maybe you know what that’s like too.
It can feel scary to worry that you’re not doing your best. So remember: Don’t worry, I’ve been there too–remember I live in France and attend events and training seminars in French.
Also remember that the 1st step to eliminating a problem is to identify that problem. Clearly and specifically. Then, you can work on it!
Strategy #3: Fix something small with a BIG impact.
As your English coach, it’s my job to help you decide what to improve. And when I do that, I like to remind you to choose something small and easy to do–but that will change the way you feel when you work in English. Something that will make your job easier to do right now.
Here’s an example from a real-life client of mine:
Clarice realized that she was feeling really scared (panicky even) when she had to speak with anyone at training events. You would be surprised about how many smart, competent people freeze when they have to introduce themselves–simple interactions. It’s a super easy thing to fix. It’s completely within your English ability. And you’ll feel so much better when you can do it.
This is where it can be helpful to work with an English coach–identifying something small and easy to fix that will make a big difference in your English at work. Today, I’d like to offer you exactly the same kind of help I offered Clarice.
In her situation, I helped her create a super simple elevator pitch. We picked that because it’s a great way to start any business conversation in English. So it can help now…and in many situations in the future.
Don’t miss my next free, interactive workshop.
You’re serious about improving your English and your business skills. And I’m serious about helping you do that. That’s why I hold workshops every month on business skills you need. Want your exclusive monthly invitation? It’s easy. Just sign up for my newsletter.
2. Try this with your English coach: 2 keys for creating a great elevator pitch.
To get the full experience of working with an English coach and to hear the sample introductions you might like to use with your elevator pitch, be sure to check out the second short video in today’s lesson.
Ok, so first things first. I wouldn’t be a very good English coach if I didn’t help you answer a few questions first.
What is an elevator pitch and why do you need one?
Well, an elevator pitch is a short way of introducing yourself and promoting yourself–or your business. It’s so short you could say it if you meet someone in an elevator and only have enough time for a very fast conversation!
Native speakers have elevator pitches so they can speak confidently when they need to!
You need an elevator pitch because you will use it in so many business situations.
It will help at every training or networking event you attend.
An elevator pitch can help you find a new job, or meet new people in your current position with confidence.
If you’re in business, it can help you pitch or promote your business.
You don’t have to be afraid of social situations in English!
Here’s some more advice from your English Coach:
For more confidence in any business English conversation-learn exactly how to start.
Ok, so now is the time to get to work. These strategies will work on any English problem you have. Remember: start small. Today we’ll work on ONE PART of your elevator pitch: the introduction.
Remember: start your conversation with confidence and everything will be easier.
3. And now, get help from your English coach on the intro to your pitch!
As your English coach, part of my job is to make sure you focus on ONE thing at a time so you can improve, succeed and stay motivated to keep going. So today, we’ll start with something you CAN do. Your introduction.
Start with a greeting:
Pick one of these depending on your situation…
“Hi, I’m Christina, It’s so nice to meet you.”
That’s a little less formal.
If you’d like a more formal option you can say:
“Hello, I’m Christina Rebuffet, It’s such a pleasure to meet you.
I know, I know, it seems easy. But trust me, think about how formal you want to feel before your conversation. It helps you avoid second-guessing yourself during the conversation.
Now, say what you do…
Depending on your situation, you can introduce yourself in a number of ways. Let’s decide how you’ll do that now.
If you’ve got a specific job title, maybe you work at a company. You can say:
“I’m a human resources manager at E-corp. I specialize in recruiting diverse teams for IT companies.”
Here’s a slightly different way to introduce yourself if you’re looking for a job, networking OR in a job interview:
“I’m a human resources manager specializing in recruiting diverse teams for IT companies.”
Here’s a way of saying what you do when you’re a freelancer or consultant with a specific job title:
“I’m a marketing consultant who helps big brands with their public image.”
If you wanted to mention you work for a specific company, just say it this way:
“I’m a marketing consultant with Amazingcorp.”
Maybe you’re an entrepreneur or run your own business? Try this introduction:
“I help (who) (do what?)”
“I help small companies grow to midsize companies.”
“I help smart, competent business people get the English they need to do their jobs.’
Ok, that’s what I do. But you get the idea.
Did you see an introduction that works for you?
Do you think you could practice your own introduction–and learn it for next time?
You’re going to need it in the next part of our series where you’ll learn my unique method for solving YOUR English problems. AND work on the rest of your pitch.
Doesn’t it feel great when you realize solving your English problem is something you can do?
I can’t wait to hear the first part of your pitch. And to see you move on to the next step.
Do you want to keep going?
Don’t miss the next parts of this lesson–or the next live, free event!
Sign up for my newsletter so you get invited to my future live, interactive workshops where you’ll learn something small that will have a big impact on your Business English.
4. Take the next step for your English and your Business:
Fill in the blanks of some of these sentences bellow to create your own introduction to your next pitch.
“Hello, I’m [your name]____________[your name], It’s such a pleasure to meet you.
Now pick one of these:
“I’m a [your job title]__________________ with [your company name]____________.”
“I’m a [your job title]__________________ who [say what you do in a few words]____________.”
Or…if you work for yourself, are an entrepreneur, or have a job people haven’t heard of…
“I help [who you help–people, companies etc] ________ with [the problem you solve] _____________.”
Improve your English in the comments:
The best way to become more confident using Business English is to practice!
Here’s your Confidence Challenge for this week:
- How would you introduce yourself in one sentence? Let us know in the comments.
Further reading for your business English
Curious to learn more about the topic of the day? I’ve selected this excellent resource for you. It helps native speakers network better by having… an elevator pitch!
Networking Advice: 6 Tips for Crafting an “elevator speech”
Are You an Entrepreneur Who Needs English for Your Business? Then you need these emails!
We asked our community of entrepreneurs about the emails they need to send NOW to grow their businesses. These are the emails they need to make new contacts, and turn them into clients…or maybe just get paid for the work you did!
We also asked our entrepreneurs what business emails were the hardest to write.
Then, we created 8 perfect email models so that you can write an email that is effective and polite–fast. Because you need email to start a conversation with your international clients.
And because you shouldn’t have to spend an hour writing an email in English–and then wondering if you said that right.
Get “8 Must-Have Emails for Entrepreneurs–in English.”
…and write emails that can change your business today.
Don’t miss my next free, interactive workshop.
You’re serious about improving your English and your business skills. And I’m serious about helping you do that. That’s why I hold workshops every month on business skills you need. Want your exclusive monthly invitation? It’s easy. Just sign up for my newsletter.
More good stuff…
Click the image to learn more
As you can imagine, your answer will vary!
But why not share your introduction?
Hi ,i’m valerie ,it is nice to meet you,,i’m with my husband alexandre ,the new owners of the bakery.