La Fête De Thanksgiving : C’est Quoi Exactement ?

What is thanksgiving

Every Thanksgiving, we used to go (on avait lhabitude daller) to my grandmas house for a HUGE lunch (un déjeuner énorme) with my HUGE family. As a kid, Thanksgiving was just a big meal. But more and more, I really see it as a time to think about all the good things I have in my life and to be thankful for them.

But what exactly is Thanksgiving?

What will your American colleagues be doing for this typically American holiday? The best way to find out (le meilleur moyen de savoir) is to ask them!

Before, though, youll want to watch this weeks SBFG video. After all, I kind of think of myself (je me vois un peu) as your American colleague, since we work together to boost your English 🙂Youll learn all about what we do on Thanksgiving, what we eat, and even a special connection that France has to one of the greatest American Thanksgiving traditions: football! (The American kind, not the rest-of-the world kind).

Youll get a lot of vocabulary for talking about Thanksgiving and holidays in general. After all, good food, family, and fun are part of any good holiday!

Thanksgiving Traditions In The USA

You can celebrate Thanksgiving too, with these recipes (des recettes):

 For dressing, homemade cranberry sauce, and THE green bean casserole that my mom makes every year (and that I love!)

I also recommend the site if you want to taste some real American products. The StoveTop stuffing is to die for (at least for this Americanbest stuff ever!)

Finally, I hope you enjoyed watching this video. I know that Im going to enjoy eating the cranberry sauce and pumpkin purée (that Im going to use to make a pumpkin pie) used in creating todays episode! Yum!

The Macys Day Parade is also live streamed, and you can watch this year’s parade here (live Thursday at 9 am New York Time / 4 pm Paris time), or watch a recording of the 2013 parade. Its as much a Thanksgiving tradition as the roast turkey!

Now, Id be very grateful (je serais très reconnaissante) if you shared something with the SBFG community:

Have you ever had any typical Thanksgiving dishes?

Or what other questions do you have about Thanksgiving?

Thousands of other French-speaking professionals come to SBFG to boost their English and boost their career. Its the best place to start conversations, because were all here to learn. It takes 2 people to have a conversation, and conversation is the best way we can help each other.

From the bottom of my heart, (Du fond du coeur) thank you for making SBFG such a great place. I love what I do, thanks to you.

Happy Thanksgiving,


Each week, Christina sends you a new English lesson!


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