Fêter Halloween au bureau aux USA

By 25 October 2015 Uncategorized 5 Comments

Its that time of year again.

When skeletons (des squelettes) hang from trees, tombstones (pierres tombales) and jack olanterns (citrouilles) decorate front yards, and everyone eats way too much (beaucoup, beaucoup trop de) candy (bonbons).

This week, Im so thrilled (ravie) to share my favorite holiday with you: Halloween!

In the US, its the 2nd biggest holiday, just after Christmas. We really go all out (y aller à fond). Its such a fun, festive time, even at the office.

Halloween in France and the US: What’s the difference?

In France, when we talk about Halloween, we often hear Oui, les enfants aiment bien,as if adults didnt like to dress up as (se déguiser en) zombies, witches (sorcières), and cats too! In the US, Halloween is for everyone, and adults enjoy it just as much (if not more) (tout autant, si ce nest pas plus) than children.

On todays special episode of SBFG TV, learn how your American colleagues celebrate Halloween at work (fêter Halloween au bureau), plus lots of vocabulary for talking about the Halloween (which is useful especially if youve got kids studying it in their English class!)

American Halloween Traditions At The Office

Now, if youre not too scared (si vous navez pas trop peur), Id love to hear from you in the comments below:

What do you think of Halloween? Would YOU enjoy celebrating Halloween at your office?

Also, you may like reading two French perspectives on Halloween in the US, from some blogs that I enjoy reading:

Fêter Halloween aux Etats-Unis, from Le Blog de Mathilde

Halloween Bake-Off, from Le Hamburger et Le Croissant (about what her company organized for Halloween)

These next links are fun and they offer insights into (permet de mieux comprendre) the culture of Halloween at work in the US.

What about Halloween costumes at the office?

I really enjoyed looking at the ideas for work-appropriate costumes (déguisements acceptables au bureau)!

35 Work-Appropriate Halloween Costumes That Keep It Classy

Celebrate Halloween In The Office (This is a collection of several articles on the subjectinteresting indeed!)

Remember that thousands of other French-speaking professionals come to SBFG to boost their English and boost their career. Your contribution may be exactly what someone else needs to build their confidence, speak better English, and feel great about themselves.

Thank you so much for letting me share a little bit of my favorite American holiday with you. Its one of the big things that I miss from back home (qui me manque de chez moi) so Im so happy to be able to share it with you today.

P.S. This email is like Halloween candy! Its better if its shared, with friends, colleagues, or even your kids English teacher 🙂

Have a Happy Halloween! Mwahahaha!



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