4 Business English Idioms for Entrepreneurs

Idioms for Entrepreneurs

Hey there, and welcome to Speak English with Christina, where you’ll have fun becoming fluent in American English. I’m your English coach Christina, and if you’re building a business in English, you probably noticed that in the entrepreneurial world, we use a lot of idiomatic expressions.

If you’re going to talk the talk and walk the walk, you’ll need these idioms.

Let’s go!

Before we start, don’t forget to sign up for my Small Talk Starter Kit, which will help you feel more comfortable in all those networking events, where small talk is sooooo important.

When you sign up, you’ll get a collection of small talk lessons and worksheets for free!

Now our first entrepreneurial idiom is…

“Keep on keeping on”

You know, entrepreneur life is not easy. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you fail. That’s life.

But what’s important is to keep on keeping on. It means to continue, to persist, to not abandon your project, even if things become difficult.

If you’re gonna succeed, you got to keep on keeping on! Here’s an example: “We had some failures last month, but we’re going to keep on keeping on. We’ll get it right soon!”

“To stay on top of your game”

When you’re running a business, making important decisions, talking to customers, doing accounting, and more, you need to be focused, healthy, and in a good mindset.

That’s what we mean when we say you need to be on top of your game. It means to perform at your best, to succeed. Once you are on top of your game, you have to be sure to stay there, stay focused, and stay productive.

How do you do it?

Check out this article from Entrepreneur.com: “9 Daily Strategies for Staying on Top of Your Game”.

“A side hustle”

Do the hustle! No, we’re not talking about the disco song “The Hustle”, although that’s fun too.

But in the entrepreneur world, a side hustle is work that you do in addition to, or on the side of, your main job. It’s a good way to slowly build up your entrepreneurial business, while keeping some security and a regular salary.

There’s even a great book by Chris Guillebeau called “Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days” if you want some ideas for your own side hustle.

“Under promise and over deliver”

If you listen to popular entrepreneur podcasts like Amy Porterfield, Smart Passive Income, or Entrepreneur on Fire, you’ve probably heard them talk about under promising and over delivering.

In fact, here’s one example I found on a business blog post “If you want your business to flourish–to succeed–,you must Under Promise and Over Deliver. Always deliver beyond the expectations. Always.”

Basically you say you’ll do something, and then you do it much better than expected. You under promise and over deliver.

Watch the episode that goes with this article:

Now, what about you?

What other business expressions have you seen or heard, that you weren’t sure about? …Maybe while listening to podcasts or reading articles.

Share them with us in the comments and I’ll make a video with your expressions!

Don’t forget to download my Small Talk Starter Kit, 3 essential lessons for easier conversations in English. Just click here to sign up for free!

And of course subscribe to my channel, so you get a new English lesson each week! Thanks for watching Speak English with Christina, and I’ll see you next time!

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