Reading in English.
It’s supposed to be one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary in English. Especially to be able to talk about general subjects like travels, culture, hobbies, and other everyday subjects.
The problem? The obvious resources like Time and Newsweek are VERY difficult to understand. They include plays on words, complex phrases, and nuances of the language that can make even a basic message hard to understand.
But still, reading in English is essential to increasing your vocabulary. Plus, it’s easy with the right resources: you can do it anywhere, you can do it without a partner, you learn more than just language, and it’s enjoyable.
My favorite resources for reading in English
That’s why I’m so happy to share some of my favorite resources for reading in English with you today. In fact, I recently started working with a group of SBFG Ambassadors and in our sessions, we use both resources from today’s video. The discussions in our sessions have been so fascinating.
If you’re looking for ways to increase your vocabulary on everyday subjects (and I bet you are!) here are three resources that will help you enjoy reading in English.
Here’s where you can find resources for reading in English
If you want to find out more about Go English and English Now, visit the site of the publisher Editions Entrefilet.
If you’d like more information on the graded readers mentioned in the video, check out these publishers:
Black Cat (I love their collection of fiction stories.)
Macmillan (Their collection of non-fiction readers is fantastic, especially if you like to read about other countries.)
Collins Amazing People (One of my favorite publishers for graded readers.)
You can search for all of these readers on amazon.fr, or ask your local book store to order them for you. They may even have some in stock already!
Now, I’d love to hear from you.
What resources do you use to read in English? If you’re reading something in English already, what is it?
Leave a comment below and let me know. Remember that thousands of other French-speaking professionals come to SBFG to boost their English and boost their career. Your contribution may be exactly what someone else needs to build their confidence, speak better English, and feel great about themselves.
Thank you so very much for watching, commenting and sharing. You make Tuesdays one of my favorite days of the week.
P.S. Do you know a bookworm who would love to read in English? Maybe a close friend or colleague, and you know they’d love these resources. Please share this with them!
Have a fantastic week in English,
Hi Christina
One if my favorite reading ressource is Real Simple issues .
Short articles. Everyday subjects. Informal english. Easy to catch puns. Great vocabulary
A bit girly though
You do an excellent job
Bye for now
Sylvie, that’s great, and I think I know which magazine you’re talking about. Is it this one: https://www.realsimple.com/ ?
Thanks for sharing it with us, because I’m sure others will enjoy it too!