Comment rédiger un mail en anglais : Formules de politesse et astuces

Do you ever wish you could spend less time writing emails in English?

Less time asking yourself questions about how to start and finish your message? Or if your message is clear?

Almost everyone I’ve worked personally with has told me they would like to have typical email phrases, so they could stop wondering(arrêter de se demander) if their email is too direct, or if they used the right expressions.

Sure, email has an advantage: You have time to think about what you’re going to say, and how to say it.

But if you want be more efficient and at the same time(en même temps) write emails in English that are easier to understand, you’re going to get a lot out of today’s Speak Better, Feel Great episode.

That’s because I’m giving you the exact ways to begin your message, to make sure (vous assurer que) it’s clear, and finish politely.
Maybe today, the episode should be Write Better, Feel Great TV 🙂

Formules De Politesse Et Autres Astuces Pour Des Mails En Anglais

And if you want to make it even easier to write emails, click here to get my templates for absence messages and requests.

Then, in the comments below, tell me what expressions you typically use in your emails!

I’ll let you know if maybe you need to say something else, or if you’re right on target (vous avez tout juste)!

I’m really excited to hear what you have to share, and as always, thanks so much for contributing to The Speak Better, Feel Great Community!

Have a fantastic week in English,


Tu passes trop de temps à écrire des mails en anglais ? My models will save you a ton of time!

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