Always have something to say in English conversations

By 7 November 2019 Video lessons No Comments
something to say English conversations

So far, you have seen that you can learn to be confident in conversations. You learned how a small change in your introductions can make a big difference in your confidence.

But now, maybe you say “And after the introduction? That is when I block. I do not know what to say.”

First, let me assure you: This happens to native speakers too!

In fact, with the conversation strategy you learn today, you will be better at conversations than some native speakers! (Not all native speakers have good social skills! But you will, after today!)

Maybe today, when you do not know what to say, you sit in silence. The conversation is uncomfortable. You want to hide in the toilets!

We can change that.

Never feel blocked in conversations again

When a conversation flows well, you feel the freedom.

The words come easily. You forget that you are making an effort to speak another language, because you feel comfortable.

How can you do this? By guiding the conversation to subjects that you are comfortable with.

This way, you have enough vocabulary to continue the conversation.
You have something to say.
And you connect with the other person.

I show you how in this lesson:

Specifically, you will learn:

  • Typical “little” expressions to be friendly and to show that you are actively listening
  • How to create a good connection with the other person, so they like talking to you
  • The strategy to control the topic of the conversation (so you do not worry about vocabulary!)
  • Why Americans often prefer to be polite and agree in small talk & conversations

After you watch this special lesson, come over to the blog, and share with me:
What is one conversation strategy or tip that you use in conversations in English?

Tell me, in the comments. I might have some advice to help you!

Next time, we will see how to answer the super-common question “How was your weekend?” in an interesting way that keeps the conversation going (even if you did nothing special!)

See you next week,


P.S. If you want the slides from the video lesson, click here to get them!  This is my free gift to you, so you can review everything that you have learned, and feel more confident in your English conversations. And if you missed the previous lessons, click here for the slides “How to have more confidence in conversations in English”, and click here for the slides “How to introduce yourself with confidence, naturally”. 

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feel confident in conversations in English
introduce yourself with confidence
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