Not too short but not too long. You want to do it right.
I’m talking about your introduction in a job interview.
Today’s an exciting day, because you’re going to learn how to succeed in your next interview, Maybe it’s for a new job, or to change positions in your company. With these lessons, your answers will be more fluent, I promise.
Get my top 11 tips to succeed in your job interview in English + free advice from an international recruiter. You’ll learn EXACTLY what to do to convince the recruiter! Click here.
You’ll get lots of valuable expressions & strategies, because I know it’s not easy to do a job interview in English. I want to help you succeed.
If you don’t have a lot of time, jump right in to the video lesson. Here it is:
You can download the slides on this page.
And if you don’t have any headphones with you, or you just prefer to read, let’s imagine…
You’re in an interview.
The recruiter says: “I’ll let you introduce yourself.”
You start:
“Hello, I’m Aurélie, I’m 38 years old. I’m an assistant…”
Three minutes later, you’re still talking.
You ask yourself “Am I saying too much? Am I boring?”
Yes, you’re saying too much, and yes, your answer is boring.
Your introduction has to be interesting, clear, easy to follow. But also concise and complete.
Can you find that difficult balance?
Yes, you can.
Here are 3 simple steps that will make a big difference:
Practice, practice, practice. Out loud.
Yes, talk to yourself. I always say that English is like sports. The only way to improve is to practice regularly.
It’s not enough to imagine your answers. That’s like preparing for a marathon by imagining “I’m going to run.” It makes no sense.
Try this today: Record yourself. Use the dictaphone on your iPhone to record your introduction. Then listen to it.
What impression do you make? Is your introduction interesting?
Repeat this exercise as necessary. Do this and you’re sure to start with a good impression.
It’s simple, but few people do it. Imagine the extra advantage you’ll have.
When you introduce yourself in English, you have so much to think about: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation.
It’s a lot. Especially when you’re nervous.
Is your introduction clear? How do you make easy transitions? How can you organize your ideas so you’re spontaneous but use good English?
You need a solid structure. It makes your answer clear and interesting.
How do you start your introduction?
Don’t start with your oldest job experience.
Don’t start with your studies.
Please don’t start with your name and age. It screams “high school English”!
Here’s an effective structure:
Present: What’s current your situation? What’s the connection to the job you want?
Past: How did your previous experience help you reach your current situation?
Future: What are you looking for? Why are you excited about this opportunity?
This question may come at the beginning of your job interview too. And it’s a crucial one!
But you’ll be just like every other candidate if you say something like “I’m looking for opportunities to develop my skills” or “I want a position where I have more responsibility.” And that’s exactly what you DON’T want.
Go to 8:26 in the lesson and you’ll see how to improve your answer right now.
You’ll learn a simple technique. And you don’t need to be bilingual to do it well.
With all this, you’re ready to make a good first impression. In English we say “A first impression is a lasting impression.” Studies confirm this. Our first impression is more important than we imagine.
You have to make a good first impression if you hope to get the job.
And now you can.
All the best,
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Hello Christina,
I had a question recently about what I would achieve in the first 3 months of the new position. Now I know I must prepare for that kind of question, but it came as a suprise.
Best regards,
Ooh, that’s a good question indeed! Thanks for sharing it with me, because it will make an excellent subject for a video. Thanks a lot Catherine!