This or that?
In English, sometimes these two little words can be confusing. You probably know the rule, but have difficulties using this and that correctly, is that right?
Today’s episode will help you use this and that correctly.
First, a big thanks to Cécile, who gives us the perfect way to remember the rule, if you also speak French:
The rule for “this” in English
“This” has an “i” in it, “this” = i = “ici” just like “ici” (that means “here” in French).
We use “this” to talk about things near us.
The rule for “that” in English
“That” has an “a” in it, “that” = “a” = “là-bas” (That’s French for “over there”).
We use “that” to talk about things away from us.
So, “that” = “a” = “là-bas”
Cecile, the entire community thanks you for this!
The This vs That Quiz
Now, let’s do a quiz. Here are some sentences. Decide to use “this” or “that” to complete the sentence?
Then watch the video for the responses!
“Hey, look at _________ old telephone over there!”
“__________ was a good book. Do you want to borrow it?”
In the video, you can also meet my good friend Géraldine, the star of Comme Une Française TV in this part of the quiz!
Geraldine: Here, taste _____________. I made it!
Christina: Eww, what’s in _______?
Geraldine : _________ just a recipe I’m testing. Is it good?
Christina: Have you tasted ___________ stuff?
And here’s one last example for this vs that
_______ pen doesn’t work. Can you hand me _______ one?
Be sure to watch the video!
You can do the quiz with Géraldine and me, and learn the correct answers to these sentences.
Test yourself even more with this vs that! Here’s a this vs that quiz from the British Council
Now, it’s your turn!
Try to write a few phrases with this vs that in the comments below.
Let’s see if you can use these words correctly!
If you make mistakes, that’s ok! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You can learn from your mistakes. And that’s always cool.
All the best to you,
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1. Which is correct? That or this was a fun day.
2. Which is correct? I can’t believe he has this or that snake in here.
depends on how far the object is from you
Hi, here is one that I struggle with…
Should I say ‘this’ or ‘that’ in the following sentence?
The first time it runs, the program will try to open the last file you used in the previous version …. Simply follow the program instructions in this (or that?) case.
Thank you
Ooh, good question, and the answer is… you can say both! In some cases, it is not important if you choose “this” or “that”. Why? Because both could be correct.
For example, if you use “this”, it is because you are referring to an example that is “close”, since you just mentioned it in the previous sentence.
If you use “that”, it is because you are referring to a situation that is “far” from you: the person receiving the instructions is likely far from you when you are writing or giving the instructions.
So both are correct, and it really does not matter which one you choose!
I thought this later example was good. (oops) Using “this” often sounds foreign and seems to suggest to me that the writer is not a native English speaker.
Is this and that only used for my spatial distance to the thing? I learned to use “that” if you want to distantiate from something. So if I have a cookie in my hand, but it looks very disgusting. Is it then this or that cookie from my perspective?
What about these examples:
– “Look at this cookie in my hand” (…suddenly it falls to the ground). Does it then transform into that cookie?
– My friend has a cookie in her hand and I want it. “Could you give me this/that cookie?”