We Americans, and native speakers in general, use a LOT of phrasal verbs in English. Today, you’ll learn 4 everyday phrasal verbs with up. Are you up for it? Phrasal…
Last weekend, I was in Munich for a conference about Business English. I had the opportunity to see a few presentations of motivation letters in English, interviews and lots of…
“We put it in VO with the subtitles?” It’s Thursday night and the work day. Woohoo! The dishes are in the machine and even if the of half empty lasagna…
You remember last week, how we worked on making it easier for you to understand real spoken English? (Just in case you missed last week’s exercises, here they are again) And…
The other day, I was talking on the phone to my mom, like I do every Sunday night. Romain was listening in on our conversation, and trying to understand. But…
Get English expressions and insider tips from an international recruiter, so you succeed in your next interview. Click here. And now for this week’s episode… “Why should we hire you?”…
You have already heard your American colleagues use a strange language, like this : “Just FYI, tomorrow’s meeting starts at 7am, so don’t be late.” “I think their customer service…
Do you ever wish you could spend less time writing emails in English? Less time asking yourself questions about how to start and finish your message? Or if your message…
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