Create your Virtual Immersion daily routine in English [SAMPLE PLAN]

By 13 January 2021 Video lessons 5 Comments
Daily routine in English

Let’s keep up the positive energy, with video #2 in the series “Master  Business English with Virtual Immersion to go from intermediate to advanced level.”

A daily English routine, with different exciting ways of learning English every day…

Too good to be true?

It’s easier than you think, and it’s exactly what you need to reach an advanced level of English.

Recap of Video #1 in our “Intermediate to advanced” series

Repetition leads to remembering, so let’s review what we learned in Video #1:

  • If you feel blocked at an intermediate level, it’s normal.
  • You need to change your approach–with a virtual immersion.

If you missed Video #1, you can watch it here.

Introduction to Virtual Immersion

Today, you’ll learn about the concept of Virtual Immersion, and how you can:

  • Use a virtual immersion to create your daily routine for learning English
  • Have different ways of learning, so your brain remembers things better 
  • Integrate English in your life every day, in innovative and diverse ways
  • Get to a more advanced level faster, and feel more confident in English

What is “virtual immersion”?

It includes:

  1. Creating an environment where you’re surrounded by English (listening, reading, speaking, writing)
  2. Mixing natural AND deliberate learning for faster learning so you can think directly in English, instead of translating.
  3. Using resources that are relevant to YOUR needs and interests, so it sticks in your brain, you enjoy learning and you are motivated to keep going.
  4. Attacking the problem from all angles, in a strategic way for faster, deeper learning.

How to create a virtual immersion: A concrete one-day plan

Creating a virtual immersion takes time, but every big project starts with a single step.

Here’s a concrete, practical example you can follow.

You could try this entire plan tomorrow!

Or if you prefer to go more progressively, start with the first step and add more activities each day.

The most important thing is TO START.

First, choose a podcast in English, with transcripts.

We’ll use this episode from the Faster Fluency Conversation Club podcast: Zero Waste

Your plan for a day of Virtual Immersion

  1. Listen to the podcast as you get ready for work.
  2. During breakfast: Read the transcript & look for useful  expressions. The transcript for the episode Zero Waste is available here.
  3. Listen to the podcast again during your commute. Try to catch your useful expressions in context.
  4. Lunch break: Make flash cards with new vocabulary. I created cards for you on Quizlet! Click here to access them. Study them during the day (1-3 minutes).
  5. During your commute home: Listen again to the podcast. Notice the expressions you learned today.
  6. In the evening, from memory, write a list of the expressions you learned.
  7. Connect with a conversation partner or teacher, and talk about the topic of the podcast. Try to use your new vocabulary. If you have a conversation partner or a teacher already, great! But if you would like someone to practice English with, join my Faster Fluency Conversation Club! 
  8. To finish your day, take 5 minutes and write a summary of what you learned.   Try to use your new vocabulary again! Write by hand, because this helps connect it all to your brain!

That’s a basic summary, but I explain it all in more detail in the video. Click here to watch it.


Building a good English routine, even when you’re busy

How can you regularly do a virtual immersion when you’re busy or tired?

That will be the topic of our next episode!

Again, it will be very concrete, practical, and full of quick wins to help you create a solid English routine and reach an advanced level!

My question for you

What’s the ONE thing that you can do today to start creating your virtual immersion?

Perhaps it’s possible for you to start doing all of this right now!

But if you’re like most people (including me) you need to build new habits progressively, step by step, so it’s a real, sustainable change over the long term. A habit.

You can do this!

P.S. In case you missed the FIRST video “Stuck at intermediate level?”, you can watch it here.

Episode #3 is coming next Tuesday!

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