“Investing in yourself” means “taking your future self seriously.”
You know, it’s easy to neglect self-improvement.
A lot of distractions constantly try to grab your attention: Netflix, smartphone apps, Facebook, the news…
Paying attention to them is a “comfortable” way to forget about how important it is to improve your English. You feel like you don’t have time.
…And then in a few months, you will need to have conversations in English.
And you’ll still feel scared when starting the conversation.
Sure, you’ll still be able to speak about professional subjects… But then the conversation becomes deeper or more personal.
You lose confidence. You don’t have the words you need. You can’t develop your ideas. The conversation cuts short.
You missed an opportunity. You’ll feel frustrated for a while, but then you’ll return to the “comfort” system….
Or you can improve right now. And take control.
Click here to take the decision to start improving your conversation skills
Let me show you how a few small changes can make a big difference
In this lesson, you’ll see specific techniques to make polite, charming conversation across cultural differences.
You’ll learn things like “Which sentences can I say to discuss work?”, or “How can I clarify what I mean and check if they understood?”. Or “How can I correct someone without sounding rude and arrogant?”…
This lesson also shows you more of my Successful Small Talk course.
Here’s what past students say about this program:
- “It improved my global level of English”
- “I have better speaking skills in English”
- “I feel more comfortable & confident when I speak”
- “Now, I have strategies & more expressions. So more confidence too!”
- “My vocabulary and turns of phrases are richer, and more correct.”
“I don’t know how or why this technique works, but it does! I tried it when I met a new American colleague and I felt more comfortable! And I felt like it was easier to speak with him in English.”
— Jérémie, Software engineer, France
You too can feel comfortable in everyday conversations – even if you think you’re shy.
You can master the different elements of real small talk – even if you come from a different culture.
You too can get results – even if you live a busy life.
(I want to help you get better and reach your potential. That’s why I also added a special “Successful Small Talk Tip” section: today, you’ll see how you can be less stressed in meeting and greeting someone for the first time.)
See you soon,
PS : Join before Thursday July 4 to save 40% on the price of the updated course. You’ll have unlimited, lifetime access to the whole course right now – and you’ll get all the new lessons & updates later this year!
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