“How do I become fluent in English?” Have you ever asked yourself this question?
This is the #1 question my students ask.
I’ve heard so many stories about how being limited in your English means being limited in your professional life.
You know you’re competent. You know you are a professional. And you want to show that
- when you host a conference call
- when you present your new idea in a meeting
- or ‘just’ when you’re connecting over coffee with your business contacts.
But…becoming fluent in English is not easy. Many of my clients have taken years of “school English” and still feel like their real-life English is holding them back.
My job as a neurolanguage coach is to teach you how to:
- finally start using smart strategies that work
- pick the most important strategies for you, now in your real life and…
- stay consistent
It’s what I call a ‘step by step’ approach to language learning.
I know it works and I know something else:
You can do this.
You just need to remind yourself that small changes add up to big improvements.
And take one small step every day.
Let’s get started now.
Here are 3 important steps together on your language learning journey today.
It’s the ultimate guide to getting started now.
I suggest you read these and pick one thing to focus on at a time.
Ready to go?
1. Take these 5 steps for speaking more confidently today.
2. How to increase your English fluency. (Hint, it’s not what you think).
3. Stop searching for your words in English.
#1. Take these 5 steps for speaking more confidently today.
I know exactly what it feels like when you can’t keep up with a conversation. It happened to me when I first moved to France and my school French didn’t fit my real life.
And it still happens to me now that I’m learning German.
Of course, we all want to reach that milestone where we can say just what we want to, when we want to. And without stopping to think about it.
And in 5 Steps for speaking more confidently today, I have some smart strategies you can use to help you bring your English level from intermediate to something a bit more advanced.
But that takes time!
So I also have some smart tips for making the most of the level you have right now–so you can start feeling more confident–while work on your level in the long-term.
Is confidence right now plus some long-term strategies for more advanced English what you need? Check out 5 steps for speaking more confidently today.
#2. How to increase your English fluency. (Hint, it’s not what you think).
There’s something frustrating that happens when you’re learning English (or any language!).
You work hard and, at first, you can literally feel yourself improving.
But then…
Your hard work stops paying off as much. Suddenly progressing gets a lot more difficult.
And you get stuck at an intermediate level of English–some people never go past it!
If you want to push on you need to understand why you’re stuck and intermediate AND how to use new, effective and challenging strategies to help you continue to progress.
How can you do it? I’ll give you a hint: You need to start by knowing what to focus on. (That’s not as easy as you might think).
Then you need to take that one aspect of your English that you’ve chosen. And work in a way that will help you actually progress.
Are you picking the right English problem to work on? The part of your English that you really need to work on–in YOUR life?
Are you choosing the right kind of practice to help you work on that problem effectively?
And…are you spending enough time working on that problem of yours to really improve it?
I’ll help you answer all those questions in How to increase your English fluency.
#3. Stop searching for your words in English.
You’re having a conversation in English. But suddenly, you can’t find the word you need.
You get nervous.
You’re sure the time it’s taking you to find your words is making the conversation awkward.
The worst part is that in your native language you’d be moving forward in the conversation. Making a good impression, making good business contacts, or even being funny.
And if you’re a bit of a perfectionist like me, you’re feeling frustrated. Because you know that word you’re looking for. You can do better than this! You just can’t find it right now.
Well, you can relax. Because I have some strategies to help you keep the conversation going–even if you forget a word. And some of the expressions I’m going to teach you to deal with these situations are actually…kind of fun to use.
So the next time you get stuck, you can relax, keep the conversation going. And make a great impression–even if you forget a word. If that sounds good to you, join me for Stop searching for your words in English.
If you don’t use it, you lose it. So here’s how you can use what you learned today!
The best way to become more confident using Business English is to practice!
So don’t just read my email & watch the video. Practice what you learned today with me!
Here’s your weekly challenge for this week:
- Tell me which lesson from today was your favorite.
- Share with me how you plan to implement it in your practice of English. What will you do differently now?
If you learned something from this lesson, please share it with your coworkers & friends.
You can send your message to them in English for more practice! (Another challenge for you 😉
I hope you’re enjoying your summer as much as I am 🙂
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Stop struggling to learn & use phrasal verbs in English
If you would like to master 30 phrasal verbs in 30 days, take the 30-Day Phrasal Verb Challenge!
I’ll send you one short exercise per day for 30 days. In 5 minutes per day, you’ll effortlessly add 30 new phrasal verbs to your English vocabulary!
And it’s fun!
To start the 30-Day Challenge today, go to https://christinarebuffetcourses.com/30-day-phrasal-verb-challenge-join-now
Can’t wait to see you in the Challenge,