Hey there, and welcome to Speak English with Christina, where you’ll have fun becoming fluent in American English. Do you sometimes feel like you’re not progressing in English? Like you just stay at the same level and don’t continue to improve?
Or worse, you feel like your level has decreased? It happens to even the best language learners. So today, you’ll learn how to take your fluency to the next level. Let’s go!
What’s happening to your English?
It’s called “hitting the intermediate plateau.” When you started learning English, you could see your improvements pretty easily. But now, you feel more like this. It’s normal.
You’ve reached a point where you can express your ideas more or less correctly, and you don’t really need to improve to communicate your message. So people don’t correct you. And you perhaps know that you could be better, but you don’t know what to improve or how to do it.
And maybe, you’ve just stated to accept that you’ll never understand all the expressions with “get”, or phrasal verbs will remain a mystery, or that you’re doomed to use the same vocabulary that you already have.
No, it doesn’t have to be this way! But you need to identify what’s blocking you. That’s the first step to getting off the intermediate plateau.
If you need help identifying how to get off the intermediate plateau, you can join my Personal Fluency Coaching. We work specifically on how to accelerate your progress. First, you need to identify what you need to improve.
“I need more vocabulary”, and “I have problems with verb tenses”, and “I don’t have anyone to practice speaking” are not precise enough. We have to really focus on one tiny aspect of English. This way, you improve one small aspect of your English, and then progress to the next small aspect. And you start seeing progress again! Woohoo!
Here’s an example: Let’s say it’s difficult to understand Americans when they talk fast. Maybe your current solution is to watch series in English. But that’s not enough. You need to focus on one aspect of pronunciation.
For example, understanding some common phrases the way they really sound. You can focus on these expressions for, let’s say, a week to be sure you understand them. And at the end of the week, you’ll feel your progress starting again!
If you have this problem, you’re in luck, because my American Accent Survival Kit is designed to help you start understanding Americans when they talk fast. I’ll put the link below the video if you want to get it.
The most important thing at this step is to identify one precise aspect of English you want to improve. And then?
The key here is to do activities that help you solve the problem you identified in the first step. If your objective is to learn a specific grammar structure, watching episodes of “The Good Wife” probably won’t help. If you want to improve your oral comprehension, reading Huffpost isn’t going to help.
You need the right resources, that correspond to your small, precise objective. This way, you focus on making one small improvement to your English, so you see progress immediately. Most people say they don’t have a good method to learn, or they are lost because there are millions of resources for learning English. It’s easy to feel lost. So here are some suggestions.
The “right” resources depends on your #1 small, precise objective. But here are some suggestions to guide you. If your objective is just “opportunities to speak”: There’s my Faster Fluency Conversation Club, or a language exchange partner on italki. If you need help improving your comprehension, watch my lesson “How to improve your listening skills” for a ton of resources!
If grammar that gives you problems, look for specific grammar exercises by googling it. Something like “exercises 3rd conditional English”, or “exercises preposition in on at English” will give you lots of online exercises for precise grammar points. I also like the sites grammarbank.com and learn-english-today.com because you can browse grammar points.
If you need more vocabulary, focus on one specific theme at a time. You can find lots of good themes, and vocabulary on learnamericanenglishonline.com/vocabulary or by watching some Speak English with Christina lessons on specific vocabulary themes like wine, describing movies, idioms from baseball, talking about your flight, etc.
After that, you need to plan your activities, so you’re sure to actually do something with what you learn.
It’s one thing to absorb the information through listening, reading, or doing a worksheet, but you also need to practice using the language. If you use it in different types of activities, you’re more likely to remember the new English point, and truly integrate it into your language.
I’ll make a specific lesson to give you some ideas, because there are sooooooo many things you can do, even if you’re alone. But if you can’t wait, we can always start a Personal Fluency Coaching Program together!
What about you?
What is your biggest priority in English right now? The one, specific, precise thing you want to improve. Let me know in the comments, because I can make a lesson for you! (But don’t just say “I want to improve my vocabulary” Be specific. Ultra specific. So specific you think it’s almost absurd!)
Thanks so much for improving your English with me, I’m Christina, and I’ll see you next week!

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Hello Christina,
I would like to say you, I love your concept to learn english. I have foins vert original and funny.
In ordre to improve my level in english, I would like to leave in USA for 3 month bécasse I have my sister’s lived there. What do you think and what advice would you give to improve my level?
Thank you in adavance.
Kind regards,
Hi Ibrahima,
Thank you so much, and your project to go visit your sister for 3 months sounds excellent. Where does she live in the US?
To improve your level, I always recommend that you identify your goals in English. Very specific goals, not just “be more fluent” or “learn more vocabulary.”
I did a video on this a looooooong time ago, but it’s still relevant today
Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJZYZgrZ3n8
(I warned you, it’s an older video… I hope that I’ve improved since this one 😉
Thanks a lot for your wise advice .Since my retirement (I’m nudging the seventies),I have taken a lot of different lessons up to the level C1.And now I feel l’ have”hit the intermediate platteau”.My main block is the fact I’m still obliged to think in French first before speaking English.So I’m not spontaneous enough to take part in a conversation with several people .It is difficult indeed impossible to me to put a word in edgewise in a lively chat.I must admit I’m rather introverted and soft spoken !Is this lack of spontaneity improvable or hopeless ?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Guy France
Hi Guy!
And that’s my father-in-law’s name too! First of all, congratulations on getting up to C1. That’s impressive, and you should be proud of yourself for that already.
For your problem of being blocked in lively conversations with several people, I feel your pain! Sometimes in French, I also have this problem because like you, I’m rather introverted and not always sure what to say in a big group, or to come back with a witty quip.
I actually took training to help me with this. It was training based on improvisational theater and it really helped me! (I was even on France 5 about a month ago to talk about my experience!)
So I would recommend that, actually. And if you can find an English program based on improvisational theater, that would be perfect. It’s a popular approach to teaching English, so maybe you’ll be lucky to find one!
Hi Christina, I’m not going to be original. Listening comprehension is my weak point, but not only with American accent but also British accent. I think I need a kind of immersion in an English speaking country. The problem is I’m broke. In other words: “J’ai pas d’argent”.
It’s a pleasure to watch your videos.
Hi Ferran,
Actually, you don’t need to travel to create your own immersion! You can watch TV, listen to music, listen to podcasts, and more at home, and usually for free. Here’s a list of good resources to help you get started: http://christinarebuffet.com/blog/resources-for-listening-practice/
Let me know which one(s) you try!
HI, Cristina, you’re great, listening to you, English seems easy but it’s not. I watch your blog video and you point out some problems about improving your English are full of common sense, I feel or agree with those points, the most important to me is to define your own problem or objective, to me is practice. Is it possible to get an evaluation class by Skype at any time so I could explain better?
Hi Jaime, Thanks so much for your feedback, and you’re absolutely right that you have to define your own objective/problem and then take the right action for THAT specific objective. For example, for you, if you need practice, you need to focus on getting practice! But I would go even further: Practice speaking about what specifically? What’s objective in terms of competency? (Do you need to be fluent, or just good enough to communicate without too many hesitations?)
And actually, right now, I’m afraid that I don’t have any availability for new clients in my calendar, but if you want to check back in 2018, I should have some clients who will have finished their program with me!
actually, i live in New jersay for 2 months.
I dont’ make a good sentence withe a good tense.
and I don’t have a good accent. I do “assimil method” and you … but I don’t improve.
Hi Anne Christine, How is life in New Jersey? Why did you move there?
As for your English, I would recommend that you set a very specific goal. For example, you said “I don’t make good sentences with good tenses.” Be more specific on your objective. For example “I want to learn the past tenses of the verbs I need to talk about when I arrived in New Jersey and my experience when I first arrived.”
It’s SUPER specific. But that means that you can focus on mastering that ONE thing, master it (and feel proud & motivated!), and then define another VERY specific objective.
Try that. Come back and put your VERY specific objective here. Then try to work on it for a week. And come back and tell me how it went!
Hi christina,
What I need to improve is my communication skills, sometimes I feel like I can talk and understand english but when I face reality I’m blocked, I understand when they talk but when I talk is totally not what I thought.
So practicing English with someone is my number one priority and is the easiest way to improve and feel confident.
Help me please.
Youssef, thanks for sharing this with me! Actually, I see that you’re priority is speaking, and that was also Jaime’s priority. Maybe you two can contact each other and practice speaking together! It’s ok if both of you are not native speakers, because you’re still practicing. After, if you want specific work on the grammar, vocabulary, etc., you can take lessons for that. That’s my suggestion!
Hi, Christina, I have seen your video, it is good ideas you are delivering. Even though I don’t know how to express and nice talk to others, one of the reason identify, due to lack of vocabulary. how can I immediately remember the vocabulary? that is my problem.
thanking you,
Hi, Cristiana! I want to improve my vocabulary. I can understand most of the things I hear or read and I have some grammar knowledge but its not enough for me. I want to be able to freely express myself. I have a little lack of confidence. I usually use google translation for words and sentences that I’m not sure how to spell but google may be missing the answers. When I try to talk or write I can’t be sure if I am doing it correctly. So I believe I need a lot of practice.
Kind reagards,
Hi, Cristiana! I want to improve my vocabulary. I can understand most of the things I hear or read and I have some grammar knowledge but its not enough for me. I want to be able to freely express myself. I have a little lack of confidence. I usually use google translation for words and sentences that I’m not sure how to spell but google may be missing the answers. So I believe I need a lot of practice.
Hi Merve, You’re right, vocabulary is super important for expressing your ideas (even more so than grammar, I would say!) If you lack confidence and want to express yourself more freely through regular practice in speaking English, I would definitely recommend that you have a look at my Faster Fluency Conversation Club. It’s designed to give students more confidence speaking, more vocabulary, and of course, lots of speaking practice!
HEY.CHRISSTINA i”m happy to this video. that is a good voice for us to grown up ourr english. I VWILL practise this methology to speak fluently english in my dailylive. think a lot for your action.
Hi Henok, Thanks for comment, and I see that it’s been a while since you posted it. So now I’m curious… How have you applied the methodology over the past month, and what have you learned?
Hi Christina!
I want to improve my English for my job in a better location (like in the US) . I want to learn English also for increasing my confidence.
I want to improve two things –
1) Vocabulary , and
2) Pronunciation