Has this ever happened to you? A phone call comes in–and you realize it’s an international number. You know the call might be in English–so you let it go to voicemail!
Has this ever happened to you? A phone call comes in–and you realize it’s an international number. You know the call might be in English–so you let it go to voicemail!
Have you ever had to speak up and explain your ideas at a stressful meeting…in English?
Going into your meeting with a plan can make the difference between sounding smart…and sounding confused or feeling embarrassed.
Do you sound too formal in business situations?
Hint: If you think you don’t use enough expressions with “get”, then you’re probably being a bit too formal sometimes.
Have you ever wished you could understand native speakers better.
And that could watch and learn from some of the great videos available in English?
Sometimes it takes just a small change in your English to feel more comfortable, sound more advanced AND understand native speakers better.
Have you ever done something that you thought was impossible?
Something that you always saw as a huge* thing?
Today I’d like to share a special story with you.
It’s about Sophie, who has her own company here in France with clients based in the US in the pharmaceutical industry.
Problems–we all have them!
What makes you great in business is your ability to manage problems and find new solutions.
What is the most important thing you can do to become confident speaking Business English?
The answer may surprise you!
You know, sometimes living in a different country can feel lonely. You’re far from your family. You’re far from your friends.
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