This week, I’m super excited (and a little nervous too, I must admit)! Why? Because my new course Successful Small Talk starts in just 2 weeks. And this week is…
All posts by Christina Rebuffet
“If a Big Mac with everything on it is awesome, then how do we describe the Grand Canyon?” Ça doit être ma citation préférée de l’épisode d’aujourd’hui. Bonne question. Mais…
This past weekend, I was in Autrans with some teacher friends and we were playing a game called Bananagrams. It’s a word game (like Scrabble, but way more (beaucoup plus)…
This past weekend, I was in Autrans with some teacher friends and we were playing a game called Bananagrams. It’s a word game (like Scrabble, but more fun!), so I’m…
“Mince, c’est à moi après. Qu’est-ce que je vais dire?” “Comme j’aime pas me présenter comme ça…” “Hello, euh…my name is Jean-Pierre, I’m 44 years old, I have 2 children…”…
How to use “how” in English Have you ever hesitated when asking a question with how in English? Not sure how to formulate it correctly, asking yourself how to start…
Do you have a branding statement on your CV in English? You can always make improvements to your resumé (or CV…) in English. It seems it’s never perfect. (In fact,…
Ton CV a attiré l’attention du recruteur ! Il faut préparer l’entretien maintenant, avec mon cours “Get The Job: Réussir son entretien d’embauche en anglais” And now for this week’s episode……
Quel est le lien entre progresser en anglais et ranger sa maison? Je te raconte… Vendredi dernier, je suis rentrée en France et je me suis mise immédiatement au travail….
Happy, happy 2016! Last week, I hope you had a bit of (un peu de) free time to catch up on (rattraper) the best SBFG TV episodes of last year…