Two cousins of mine (Deux de mes cousins) recently came to visit and stay with us for a week. They’d never been to France, don’t speak a word of French,…
Two cousins of mine (Deux de mes cousins) recently came to visit and stay with us for a week. They’d never been to France, don’t speak a word of French,…
Tu manques de vocabulaire pour parler de tes forces & faiblesses en anglais ? Obtiens mes top 11 conseils pour réussir dans ton entretien d’embauche en anglais + conseil gratuit d’un…
Let’s answer “What are your strengths?” Job interviews are stressful enough as it is. When the interview is in English, it just adds to the problem. When I have to…
First of all, a big “Thanks” to all of you who sent me those nice support messages while I was at the conference in Manchester last week! You guys really…
“Do I need to use ‘since’ or ‘for’”? “I know not to use ‘propose’, but what can I say instead?” “Do I need present continuous or present perfect continuous tense…
It’s that time of year again. When skeletons (des squelettes) hang from trees, tombstones (pierres tombales) and jack o’lanterns (citrouilles) decorate front yards, and everyone eats way too much (beaucoup,…
Reading in English. It’s supposed to be one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary in English. Especially to be able to talk about general subjects like travels, culture,…
Reading in English. It’s supposed to be one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary in English. Especially to be able to talk about general subjects like travels, culture,…
“I sound ridiculous.” “I wish I hesitated less when I speak English.” “How do I sound more fluent?” If you participate in discussions that last more than 30 seconds, you’ve…