Vocabulary in English: Terrorism and Bad News


Terrorism and bad news…

Unfortunately, we live in a world where terrorism and bad news are part of our lives.

One day, you’ll need to talk about these subjects with friends and colleagues. Terrorism, attacks, and other horrible events. 

Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001?

Or on January 7, 2015, the day of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris?

Or on March 22, 2016, when a bomb exploded in the Brussels airport?

I remember.

I could tell you a story for each event. I’m sure you could too. Maybe where you were when you heard about the terrorism and bad news. What you were doing. Your first reaction.

This week, it’s a change from our normal good humor and fun, but it’s important to know the vocabulary to talk about terrorism and bad news.

You’ll see, this episode isn’t all doom & gloom. Watch at 5:56 🙂

And that’s a good expression: “doom & gloom.” It means things that are sad and depressing.

Talking about terrorism and bad news with friends can help you.

After all, it’s normal to share your feelings and your pain.

But you’ll need the vocabulary in English to do it.

That’s what you’ll learn in this week’s lesson. 

If you don’t know the difference between ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State, and Daesh,  The International Business Times published this article, which explains the differences in clear English.

Good to know…

Now, it’s your turn! 

Would you like to share your story of where you were when you heard the news of a major terrorist attack?

It’s a hard subject, but it’s a good opportunity to practice the vocabulary from today’s episode.

If you want to, you can tell us your story in the comments below. 

Big hugs to you, 


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4 juillet

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