We all feel stuck sometimes. I assure you, it’s a normal feeling. -- The Extra Mile: Vocabulary for this week’s lesson -- (Look for the words with a “ *...
Click here to learn more about the Faster Fluency Conversation Club When you’re learning English, you might think someday : “Hey, what if I started taking English lessons? Because what...
So this is the end! Your final chance to enroll in Business English Mastery, and finish 2020 with something great for you, your English, and your career. Why so many...
In English, we have a saying: “All good things must end, and all great things must begin.” Enrollment for Business English Mastery ends tomorrow, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17 at 11:59PM Paris...
Quick announcement: This is the FINAL week to join Business English Mastery. We close enrollment on Thursday September 17! If you want to be more advanced and more confident in...
“For me, there’s definitely a before and after.” That’s what Johanna, a past client of Business English Mastery said after she finished the program. She’s not the only student to...
In English, we have an expression: Time flies when you’re having fun. Last week, I opened enrollment for my Virtual Immersion program Business English Mastery. And today is already the...
A few months ago, Paule was struggling to feel confident when she used English in her work. She’s a credit manager in France. English is important for her job, especially...
If you missed my message on Wednesday, I opened enrollment for Business English Mastery. What is Business English Mastery? Business English Mastery is my complete Virtual Immersion System to become...