CV en anglais : comment éviter la poubelle ?

CV en anglais

Ton CV a attiré l’attention du recruteur ! Il faut préparer l’entretien maintenant, avec mon cours “Get The Job: Réussir son entretien d’embauche en anglais”

And now for this week’s episode…

You can always make improvements (apporter des améliorations) to your resumé (or CV). It seems its never perfect. (In fact, its a bit like creating a websiteIm always looking for little changes to improve mine, and Im open to suggestions 😉

After watching the video “Errors To Avoid On Your American Resumé”, SBFG Ambassador Marc asked me to create a video on branding statements to include at the beginning of your resumé.

Your wish is my command, and here it is!This is a very relevant subject because the quality of your branding statement influences how much time the recruiter spends looking at your CV.

Its a little like those short descriptions on the back (au dos) of a book. In this case, the book is you! If the recruiter likes what they read, theyre more likely to (il a plus de chances de) consider buying the book.

And thats what we wantthe recruiter to spend time with your CV, to consider your application, to call you for an interview.

Theyll call you because they want to know more about you. You might be the perfect person for the job.

You want to be sure your resumé stands out, but maybe you dont know how to take it from goodto wow!.

After todays episode, youll know the secret!

How To Write A Powerful Branding Statement - CVs & Resumés in English

Before you send your CV, share your branding statement with us!

And if you want more examples first, the article “How to Write an Impressive Objective Statement for Your Résumé” has plenty. (Also, notice how they write résumé”, I write resumé”, and on the web, youll often see resume”—We Americans have no idea how accents work 🙂

Just write it in the comments below and the SBFG Community can help you with it. Maybe youll inspire someone else too!

Remember that thousands of other French-speaking professionals come to SBFG to boost their English and boost their career. Your comment may be exactly what someone else needs to build their confidence, speak better English, and feel great about themselves.

Thanks for wanting to improve your English & your career. I love helping you!

Have a fantastic week in English,


P.S. Got a colleague who wants to change jobs? Contribute to their success by sharing this newsletter with them!

Ne laisse plus ton anglais fait de l’ombre à ton expertise. Get The Ultimate Guide To Perfecting Your English CV. Clique ici pour l’obtenir.


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