Stuck on the intermediate plateau in English?

By 11 January 2021 Video lessons 22 Comments
intermediate plateau English

Woohoo, today’s the big day! We’re starting my new mini-series: “Master  Business English with Virtual Immersion to go from intermediate to advanced level.”

Why do you still lack confidence speaking English, even if your level is not so bad?


1. Let’s start with a quiz…
2. What is the intermediate plateau?
3. Stuck on the intermediate plateau? Here’s how you can progress faster.
4. What kind of activities can you do for natural learning and deliberate learning?
5. My question for you

1.Let’s start with a quiz…

Do any of these describe you?

  1. You feel blocked or hesitant. You can communicate your message, but you can’t always find your words.
  2. You worry you’re making too many mistakes in English.
  3. Or maybe you’re translating too much in your head.
  4. You don’t know why you feel this way, or what to do, and it’s super frustrating.

If you said yes to those questions, well, Congratulations!


Because you’ve come a long way towards being confident in English!

You have reached the intermediate plateau.

And now…it’s harder to increase your English fluency.

2. What is the intermediate plateau?

You reach an intermediate level, your progress slows–you’ve hit the intermediate plateau.

When you’re a beginner, you always learn new things. It feels like constant progress!

But when you reach intermediate level, your English is ‘good enough’ for most conversations.

You can survive with your current level.  But you don’t feel comfortable–or confident.

You’re doing things in English, but you’re not improving.  It’s frustrating.

Don’t worry. You’re normal. Everyone hits the intermediate plateau.

Continuing to do same things you’ve always done–like watching Netflix or using English at work–isn’t enough.

You need to change your English routine…

3. Stuck on the intermediate plateau? Here’s how to progress faster.

The first step is to be more structured, with 2 approaches:

  1. Natural learning: “Absorbing” the language by exposure, “living” English
  2. Deliberate learning: Working on English, studying, “doing” English

Use resources and topics that are relevant and useful for YOU.  Learning will be more interesting and motivating.

When you’re interested in a topic, you remember what you learn. Your brain performs better.

That’s why it’s difficult to memorize lists of vocabulary. You have no context, no connection, and no reason to remember.

4. What kind of activities can you do for natural learning and deliberate learning?

Natural Learning = living your life as you normally would–but in English.

Natural learning activities include:

  • Listening to interesting podcasts. One that I enjoy: Lewis Howes’ School of Greatness
  • Reading books or magazines in English for pleasure. I really enjoyed: Wild
  • Watching TV: My favorite series of the moment: The Queen’s Gambit 
  • Using English on social media (You can participate in my free Intermediate Plateau Challenge, on Facebook, LinkedIn, and/or Instagram)
  • Having conversations in English without specifically focusing on improving.

Deliberate learning = working on or studying English

Deliberate learning activities include:

5. My question for you:

Are you stuck on the intermediate plateau? How do you feel about it?

Let me know in the comments below!

Looking forward to reading your comments!

Episode #2 will arrive on Thursday. It will have a concrete, step-by-step virtual immersion day plan for you! Don’t miss it 😉

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language habits for confident business English
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