Do you know how to introduce yourself in English? You’ll learn how today, but first, let me tell you a story about myself when I was learning French.
I used to be shy when I spoke French.
I had no idea what to say when I met someone new, especially in a new job.
“Bonjour, je m’appelle Christina.”
And then…?
Do I say where I’m from? (so they know why I make so many mistakes with masculine / feminine in French…)
Do I talk about my job?
Do I say my age?
And what tenses do I need to use?
Index: How to Introduce Yourself in English – What You’ll Learn:
- Do you find it difficult to introduce yourself in English?
- How to introduce yourself in English in 4 easy steps
- Step 1: Say your name (OK, that’s obvious…)
- Step 2: Share some relevant information about yourself
- Step 3: Tell more about yourself
- Step 4: Ping pong time!*
- Self-introduction in English class
- How to introduce yourself in an interview
- Icebreaker sentences you can use to start the conversation off
- Remember: small talk starts with introducing yourself, but it’s just the beginning!
Do You Find it Difficult to Introduce Yourself in English?
It should be easy to say 3 lines about yourself. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else. When you introduce yourself in English, the vocabulary isn’t very complex. You usually know the words.
So it’s easy to introduce yourself in English, right?
No, not always. It’s difficult to talk about yourself.
(As Alanis Morissette once said, “Isn’t it ironic?”)
Why not?
Well, because you don’t always know what to include. If you’re starting at a new company, maybe you feel a little timid. And when you don’t feel comfortable, you make more mistakes. That’s normal.
Here are some typical mistakes that I hear ALL the time. All. The. Time.
“Hi, My name is Aurélie, I’m 36 years old. I’m a finance manager. I have worked at HP for 4 years. I have two children.”
Whaaaaaat? Can you see what’s wrong with this introduction?
If you do, tell me in the comments! We’ll see if we have the same ideas 🙂
How to Introduce Yourself in English in 4 Easy Steps
So, how do you introduce yourself in English correctly? It’s easier than you think. Let’s take a look.
All you need for the start are these 4 steps.
Step 1: Say your name (OK, that’s obvious…)
Start with your name and your job or your department. Simple really.
You can just say “Hi, I’m (first name) and I just started as a (job title) in the (name of your department) department.”
For example:
Hi, I’m Bruno and I just started as a sales consultant in the marketing department.
Step 2: Share some relevant information about yourself
It’s polite and friendly to give some information about yourself. You don’t want to just ask questions.
Small talk is like a ping pong game. Sometimes you ask questions, sometimes you give information. You can say something about your previous job.
For example:
- Before this, I used to work as a solutions manager at Orange.
Step 3: Tell more about yourself
We want to know more about you! Tell us how long you’ve been working in your field, for example. For this, you’ll need the present perfect continuous tense.
For example:
- I’ve been working in the telecom industry for about 12 years now.
Step 4: Ping pong time!*
*watch the video to understand that reference 🙂
And then you can give the “conversation ball” back to the other person. A simple question like “What about you, what do you do?” is good if you haven’t already talked about the subject.
Other options:
- And how long have you been working here?
- And how does this place compare to other companies you’ve worked for?
- How did you get into (the field the other person works in: finance, tourism, etc.)?
Let the conversation develop. Relax and enjoy it.
Even if you make mistakes in English, the objective is to create a connection with the other person.
Self-Introduction in English Class
You are starting your (first) English class soon and don’t know the best way to introduce yourself in class?
I would like to show you a few easy examples of a self-introduction in this specific situation.
- Hi, I am Maria. I come from New Delhi in India and just started as an Au pair in New York.
- Hi, my name is Tom and I am about to start my exchange semester. I will be a student at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles).
How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview
Another difficult situation where you need to introduce yourself is a job interview. Who doesn’t fear the question: “Please introduce yourself in English”?
To prepare yourself for this, these short examples might be helpful for you:
- Good morning, my name is Sebastian Clark. I’m here for the 10 a.m. job interview for the online marketing manager role.
- Hello, I am Natalie. Nice to meet you in person. (if you have already talked to the person before via email or phone)
Icebreaker Sentences That You Can Start the Conversation Off With
Now that you know how to introduce yourself in English and how a conversation works, the next step is to actively start a conversation with someone. Sounds difficult? I got you covered!
To help you with this, here are a few icebreaker sentences for starting the conversation.
They are useful in many situations: in the office, at school or everywhere else. Just try them out.
- What kind of drink is that? (everyone likes to talk about drinks and food)
- I like your name. Are you named after someone? (works especially well in situations where people wear name tags)
- How are you doing today? (simple but effective)
- Who is your role model? (doesn’t matter whether it’s an uncle or a superstar, this question requires some thinking before giving an answer)
- What is your favorite thing about your hometown? (good memories often can build a positive start to a conversation)
- If you had to use a fake name, which one would you choose? (demands creativity and is very likely to turn over to a funny conversation start)
- If you had to be a chocolate bar, what kind would you like to be? (everyone likes chocolate and this question is so absurd that your conversation partner will remember it for sure)
Do you have more icebreaker sentences that work well for you? Share them in the comments!
Remember: Small Talk Starts with Introducing Yourself, But It’s Just the Beginning!
After you introduce yourself in English, you actually have to talk about something: Your experience, your projects, your weekend, I don’t know!
That’s small talk. You talk about anything and everything!
Practice the vocabulary and expressions you need to make fluent small talk. Let me coach you! My Small Talk Conversation Coaching Program is perfect to help you feel more fluent and make conversation easier in English.
Click here to get more information.
You can start practicing right now!
Introduce yourself. It’s easy for you now!
Plus, you know me, but maybe I don’t know you! And I really would like to get to know you better.
So I’m looking forward to “meeting you” in the comments below.
Warmest wishes,
P.S. If you have any doubts about your CV in English, I will have a surprise for you on Thursday, but only if you’re a subscribed member of the Speak English Community. Click here to join us!

More English lessons!
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I like it
Thanks so much Vy!
welcome mam
Hi Christina everyone use to say my English is not good I want your help
Hi Dorothy, Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Why do they say your English is not good? And do they give you any advice for improving?
Hi christina i’m bilal from morroco plz my english is not good and i want to help me
Hi Bilal,
Thanks for introducing yourself! Can you tell me more about what you would like to improve about your English?
christina rebuffet this is irfan from india
i wana learn speak in english
Good teacher
I stopped talking and fell nervous and start thinking what to say how to say .These are my problems
Hi,I love your lessons. I love to learn English but unfortunately where I live there is no one who is interested in English to practice with, I mean face to face or practice conversation.
Hi Abbas, Thanks so much and that makes me really happy that you like my lessons. If you’re looking for someone to practice speaking with, I can suggest the site italki: You can find a conversation partner there! Check it out. I’ve used it and I like them. I’m sure you will too.
hi christina rebuffet mam u are admirable women and having the ability to give knowledge to someone finally i got a telented teacher in the shap of christina mam.i am a student of computer science and also working as a freelancer as web developer i wanna to make a practice call and how you can help me. help me to find someone to speak english face to face via internet or for english chat
Hi Christina.
I fallowed that link (
Is the learning free there.
By regard – Mahdi
Hi i’m naima from morocco…i find a difficult to speak with people in english…
I like your way to explain
Hello abbas i am so intersting in english
Can i practise with u? My ig name is rindasapitri17
Lets to be a friend
Hello You´re so Beautiful! I love the way you teach English! I just signed up…! I´m from Mexico but I´ve been working in Virginia for a couple years, So I dont speak English but I want to do it and you really help me so much. thanks a lot , see you. BTW r u single?
Hi Hugo! Nice to meet you! How do you like Virginia? I’d love to visit Mexico one day! And it seems like you speak English, because you wrote me a message in English. And sorry, my heart is taken by a lovely French man (the man in the videos 😉 Have a great day!
Hugo may help you in English speak so you want really speaking in |English please contact me, it is my whats app number (919711427625)
harry how r you i hope u are fine i am a student but english is not my mother language i want to learn it and wanna to practice with someone can i make a english conversation call on whats upp
Hi Christina! I’m a new speak english ambassador and I hope to have an english more fluent with your very funny lessons. It’s a pleasure to find each week your lesson! I hope with them my next travel will be more easy and i will have more interessant conversation with english people…
Hi Barbara, Welcome to the community! *happy dance* It’ll be a pleasure to help you learn English each week so you can enjoy your future trips! Where’s your next destination? Talk to you soon!
Hi Christina
Your lessons are always interesting and helpful. Ok,It’s my turn to introduce myself. I am Gino, I am working at a chemical material company as a Global business manager. I have worked as a business manager for more than 10years.
Hi Gino,
Nice to meet you, and nice introduction: short, efficient, and correct. How often do you use English in your job as global business manager?
Hi Christina, my name is Sabrina i’m English student and i live in France. I really would like to improve my English but i i’m a little bit shy (that’s why i don’t use it daily). Thanks for your course it’s very helpful !!
Hi Sabrina, Nice to meet you! Where do you live in France? I ask because I’m in Grenoble!
Do you have opportunities to use your English daily, but are afraid because you’re shy?
There are ways to conquer this shyness little by little! For example, start small, just saying “Hi!” to someone you don’t know, or asking an “easy” question like “Do you have the time please?”, just to push yourself a little. Then, as you become more comfortable, you can up the challenges: asking a question that requires a longer response, or even trying to start a conversation.
It’s not always easy (I’m shy too, but working on it!), but there are always ways to push yourself little by little to expand your comfort zone!
Hi Christina, i live in Nancy! Do you live in Grenoble or you’re there only for visiting? (if you don’t mind that i’m asking).
Thank you for your advice!
Have a good night!
Hi Sabrina! Yes, I live in Grenoble, actually! And I’ve never been to Nancy, but I hear that it’s a pretty city! Have you ever been to Grenoble?
HII Assalamo Alaikum Sabrina,where are u from? Can we chat? It will b helpful for both to chat in english. I hope my English will b enhanced too much in future. Isn’t it miss Christina?Add me on Instagram – zenoarfan
hi zeno we can chat in english i am interested really it will b helpful for us
Hi Dear Christina. My name is Eunice . I am from Arusha . I am Tanzanian.
Help me to to speak english because i dont know i Just trying to right.
Hi christina,
I liked your ways to teach speaking English by the medium of communication. I’m faiyaz from Delhi, India. I am a private chemistry teacher but I can not speak English fluently. That’s why I need to speak English fluently. I disappointed by many school due to, can’t speak fluently.please help .
Hi Faiyaz,
The best advice I can give you to improve your fluency is to fix very specific goals (like “Learn to introduce myself”), then work on that one goal until you feel comfortable enough. Practice regularly, even if it’s talking to yourself. Be proud of your progress, even when you still know that you have more progress to make. It’s important to recognize what you’ve already done too. And then start the cycle again and continue until you reach your ultimate goal of improving your fluency. Try that. What is going to be your first specific goal?
Thanks for a marvellous posting! I genuinely enjoyed reading
it, you are a great author.
I have had an interview last week and recruiter asked me the same question but i was actually confused in what to answer exactly as it was my first interview. After reading your article, now i understood how to answer this question properly
Bam, Renuka!!! I’m so glad that you now know exactly how to answer the question properly! Have you had any job interviews since that last one?
Hi! Christina…
I’m Aryaja, based out from Trivandrum. I don’t know how to speak in english. I will try my best to speak in english to everyone, but sometimes I don’t speak english. 🙁 I really would like to speak in english fluently. Please help me.. and thank you for your teach. I liked your teaching method..
Hi Aryaja,
What are you doing now to speak English, and to practice? The first thing is to find a way to start practicing if that’s your goal!
Hi christina,
Im really thankful, ur just amazing teacher❤
I have a problem could you please help me?
You know what i can approximately write and get EN properly but in speaking i think im awful!! I guess cuz im introverted and there is sth inside me that never allow me to talk fluently actually there is lack of confidence
Hi Setareh,
Don’t panic, it’s normal to feel less confident when you’re learning a language, but you can become more confident with practice, and by actually practicing confidence. This article will help you, with 5 steps to speaking confidently:
hi Christine .I THANK YOU FOR THIS USEFUL LESSON .I’m Esraa and I have problem to introduce myself because I afraid to have mistake ,maybe because I’m not perfect of pronunciation and I haven’t many vocabulary.
Hi Esraa, let’s see how you introduce yourself! Using what you learned in the video, leave an introduction of yourself in the comments. This way, we can see what needs to be corrected!
Hi , My name’s Esraa I’m 34 years old .
I’m married and I have four children .
I studied accounting at Irbid collage then I worked in education field about two years
now I’m completing my study at university
I have many hobbies the favorite hobby is draw on the walls and jars.
I hope to speak English language fluently like native language
It’s quite easy to be written but so hard when i stand and talk
What should i do
hi christina
thanks for this amazing video.
Thanks so much Seekarm! What did you learn from it?
Hi Chrisitina
Thank you very much for your courses. I like your way to work et to teach. I will try to follow all your videos to sepak english fluently.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks so much, I’m glad that you’re enjoying learning with my videos, and that you’re becoming more fluent. What’s one thing that you’ve learned recently from the videos? How did it help you?
I like the way you teaching and its seems like fruitful for me
Hello Christina.
I really appreciate your immediate feedback to all your follower. It is my tactic once i access to any site initially i started from the send-received comments and now i seen how you are helpful to people.
I only use the English language on my weekly reports at work, i need to use it on my daily conversation. Can you help me to find someone to speak face to face via internet for improving the English. Thanks in advance.
Hi Azad,
Thanks for your message, and yes, it’s very important to know that there is someone behind the blog, reading and answering the comments. I’m not here just to produce videos, but to help you learn English, and that includes by responding to questions in the comments.
As for helping you to find someone to speak and practice English, yes, definitely I can help. The first step is to tell me more about your context, your objectives, your difficulties, etc., so that I can better orient you. To do that, please fill in this questionnaire:
Thanks and talk to you soon!
She said I’m a finance manager but he worked at HP that’s the mistake
Hi,I love your lessons. I love to learn English i want topic with France such that
Hi Mostafa,
Thanks so much, but I’m not sure to understand your request. Are you also looking for French lessons?
thankyou christina! because of you i am free from stage frights no stage frights not anymore!
I can’t feel comfortable in speak English . As I didn’t get my words to express in English and frequently Hindi will come out . I am feel nervous to speak anyone because I know I can’t speak more time in English . What can I do please tell me..
Personally I think overjoyed I discovered the blogs.
if you need to introduce yourself in english,first of all we have to great people,after you will tell Them your name ,your age and education background and your nationality.Par exemple:hello guys,im so happy to meet you.My name is moroko,i am congolese young.I was born at kinshasa but people call me justin.i am graduated in medical field that i’v completed at hiight institute of medical at bukavu .
i read your article first time and liked it. I liked your ways to describe how to introduce. keep it up
hi Rinda Can I join with you to practise english
Hello mam..
Nice to meet name is megha sarakar..and am from 20 years old..i recently completed my 3 years degree course from burdwan university in the year 2018..i did not get any job now..still am studying at ICSI institute..
My English is very weak..i can’t speak in English fluently..mam…can u plz help me to improve my spoken English ?? I want to learn English..when i talk with others in English..i get a little bit of shy..and i get nervous….so mam..what can i do???
Anyway mam…u r very sweet and your voice is so attractive..
Hi buddies, it is great written piece entirely defined, continue the good work constantly.
It’s a very outstanding article I read for introduction.
Everything in there is quite useful.
I have refer your article to my friends.
Hello Man,
It,s me Niaz from Pakistan. i am 30 years old and i am working as company male nurse.
i am single but engaged and i want to learn further from you, i wish to speak like you but but i can not pronounce the words quite correctly but i do hope to learn a lot being your student.
Best Regards…
Thanks for the guide,
It’s quite easy to be written but why i’m always nervous if speak in front of the class
Hi mam, I love your lessons. I love to learn English but i’m a little bit shy (that’s why i don’t use it daily). Thanks for your course it’s very helpful !!
Hi ,
This article is very usefull for me , i think i need your help to improve my conversation skills
Best regards .
nice article with good information.
imie unlock
I like the way you teaching Thanks Christina
so interested
thank you very much
Hi i’m naima from morocco…i find a difficult to speak with people in english…
I like your way to explain
Hi, I am Nabaraj and I am from Nepal, I really loved the way that you explain us and its understandable, all of us want to speak fluent English and we don’t have partners, so can we share our mobile number or any social networks for having the conversation each other. in my point of view that is the best way for learning the English.
Hi Christina,
I like this video and this course too!
I wanna improuve my english speak caus I need it in my work.
I just start with the first topic : Intriduce your self … and boooom … I find this lovely course..
Thanks a lot and may be we meet in Paris one a day 🙂
So I m Nadjet and I am a software engineer. I Have been working as a technical architecte for 5 years.
Nice to meet you 🙂
Hi Nadjet, Thanks so much! And if you’re in Paris, I’m sure that we will have an opportunity to meet one day! I live in Grenoble, and I often come to Paris to visit friends or to go to museums and other events! Let me know if you want to talk about a program for practicing speaking English and I’ll be happy to see what we can do! Thanks!
I intersting this programe. can you help me tu improve my english comunication
Hi Johari, Sure, I can help you! The best thing is to send an email to Marica, my head of student enrollment and relations at And tell her that you’re interested to learn more about programs. She’ll ask you a few questions to help us know which program will be best for you, and then we can discuss it! Thanks and talk to you soon!
Hi Johari, Of course I can help you! What difficulties do you have currently?
hello Christina,i am from China,i want to improve my spoken english,can you help me?
Hi Kai, Sure, I can definitely help you! Do you already have an idea of your level in English?
My Name is Reza Abdillah and My nick is reza, Im from Indonesia,,
Hi Reza, nice to “meet” you!
hi cristina i’m from tunisia i’m try to practice english an i need to improve my english comunication and your lesson is very important i need somone
to speak with me face to face or via chat can you help me ?
Hi Mounira, if you’re looking for a program for practicing face to face, I recommend you check out my Faster Fluency Conversation Club. It makes it easy for you to practice speaking English and get more vocabulary and fluency!
Great but it’s no easy for me
Hello Christina. I’m Paule. I live close to Paris. I’ve been working for 3 years now fir a world company as a Credit Manager. Before, I used to work as a key Accounts Manager and Business Developer in a Collection Agency. I’m 44 years old. I’m a mother of a almost (next week-end!) 9 years old little boy. I also love running. I have made the choice to attend this program because I need to become more confident when I speak english to my foreign colleagues especially those to whom I report. Thank you to offer us the opportunity to introduce ourself and I can’t wait seeing the next challenges you will offer us. Paule
i like your lessons and i wish to teach us a importante lessons for the [grammar] ok thank you and i nice to meet you
hi christina i love your lessons thank you for this beautiful lessons
Hi 🙂 I’m Ani, and I want to speak more fluent English … but I can’t .
I can’t find the word … I am ashamed to speak, because I don’t know if it’s right 🙂
I hope you will help me 🙂
this artikel is very helpful, good
Thank you so much!
hi christina, after read this articel i can talk with english as well as i can.
Content is great! I love reading blogs that are full of information and interesting stories. I always learn something new when I read one.
I love this blog, it is so inspirational and I use the tips on here all the time.
I really enjoy reading your blog. It is very informative and I always learn something new. You have a great writing style and the content is well organized. I appreciate the effort you put into making your blog a valuable resource for the community.
Thank you so much for your kind words 🙂
Thank you very much for sharing this awesome information about blog site. this is very helpful to me for sharing my website on social media. Thank you for sharing.
I really enjoy reading your blog. It is very informative content and I always learn something new. I especially appreciate the detailed explanations of the various topics you cover.
nice article, very helped full